2023-08-31   Instrument for real-time live-cell imaging and cellular impedance analysis (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
DTU requires an instrument that can analyze behavior of live mammalian cells (incl. proliferation/morphology/death) in real-time using both impedance (label-free, high sensitivity) and live-cell imaging (precision and confirmation of cell behavior). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AH Diagnostics
2020-04-24   Two Fluorescence-assisted Cell Sorters (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU)
The DTU Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine wants to buy two fluorescence-assisted cell sorter (FACS) instruments. The two FACS instruments will be platform instrumentation in two different facilities at the department. The two facilities are closely collaborating, require the same instrument specifications, and may have overlapping users, thus the potential to compare results between the two instruments is important. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Sony Biotechnology, Sony Europe B.V.