Indkøb: Små fartøjer

6 arkiverede indkøb

Små fartøjer er blevet indkøbt af organisationer som f.eks DanPilot, DAN PILOT og Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU.

De seneste indkøb af små fartøjer i Danmark

2023-09-22   Havundersøgelsesfartøj til kystzonen (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
DTU ønsker at foretage en udskiftning/modernisering af flåden hos Sektion for kystøkologi. Derfor søges moderne fartøj egnet for tilpasning til fiskeri og prøvetagning i kystnære danske far-vande (fartsområde A1). Se udbuddet »
2016-11-04   Acquisition of ‘New Pilot Boats’ for DanPilot (DanPilot)
This procurement material applies to DanPilot's invitation to the competitive procedure with negotiation regarding acquisition of up to fifteen (15) ‘New Pilot Boats’. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Baltic Workboats AS
2016-09-02   Acquisition of ‘New Pilot Boats’ for DanPilot (DanPilot)
This procurement material applies to DanPilot's invitation to the competitive procedure with negotiation regarding acquisition of up to fifteen (15) ‘New Pilot Boats’. Se udbuddet »
2015-12-03   Acquisition of harsh weather pilot boats for DanPilot (DanPilot)
This procurement procedure is conducted according to the rules for competitive procedure with negotiation and concerns acquisition of 2 harsh weather pilot boats. 1 of the pilot boats are intended for operation in harsh weather in the North Sea and Skagerak up to 60 nautical mile (nm) offshore of the pilot station in port of Skagen, Denmark, and 1 of the pilot boats are intended for operation in harsh weather in the Baltic Sea up to 60 nm offshore from the pilot station in port of Gedser, Denmark. The … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Baltic Workboats AS
2015-11-19   Acquisition of harsh weather pilot boats for DanPilot (DanPilot)
This procurement procedure is conducted according to the rules for competitive procedure with negotiation and concerns acquisition of 2 harsh weather pilot boats. 1 of the pilot boats are intended for operation in harsh weather in the North Sea and Skagerak up to 60 nautical mile (nm) offshore of the pilot station in port of Skagen, Denmark, and 1 of the pilot boats are intended for operation in harsh weather in the Baltic Sea up to 60 nm offshore from the pilot station in port of Gedser, Denmark. The … Se udbuddet »
2012-10-25   Indkøb af brugt tonnage i henhold til kravspecifikation (DAN PILOT)
Indkøb af en brugt lodsbåd i henhold til kravspecifikation. Se udbuddet »