2021-02-05Skibsbygningskontrakt – nybygning af Fjordbus (Port of Aalborg A/S)
Centre for Logistics and Collaboration (CLS eller Kunden) har besluttet at anskaffe et prototypefartøj, benævnt som ”Fjordbus”, der forventes at overgå til transport af passagerer på tværs af Limfjorden, mellem Aalborg og Nørresundby.
Fjordbussen skal være fuldt elektrificeret herunder elektrisk fremdrevet.
Fjordbussen skal leveres og kunne sejle selvstændigt, betjent af et besætningsmedlem.
Efterfølgende skal Fjordbussen danne platform for test og demonstration af autonom sejlads, og herfor skal …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Tuco Yacht Værft ApS
2018-03-09Framework Agreement for Chartering of Vessels (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
Danish Defence and Logistics Organization (DALO) is putting the acquisition of a Framework Agreement for Chartering of Vessels up for tender.
DALO is in charge of entering a framework agreement that meets the Danish Defence's requirements for additional access to international strategic sealift. The Danish Defence has had its own ARK cooperation that possesses access to strategic sealift since 2003. Since 2006 the Danish Defence has been part of the Danish-German ARK project. The access to Strategic …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Blue Water Shipping A/SBRS International SANavitaship ApS