2021-09-03   Udbud af køb og levering af komponenter til pantstationer (Dansk Retursystem A/S)
Udbuddet vedrører køb og levering af komponenter til Dansk Retursystems pantstationer. Udbuddet er opdelt i følgende tre delkontrakter: • Delkontrakt 1: Brugerinterfaces • Delkontrakt 2: Singuleringsenheder • Delkontrakt 3: Conveyors Udbuddet vedrører indkøb af tekniske anlæg til 7 pantstationer samt en option på indkøb af et yderligere teknisk anlæg til en 8. pantstation. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Anker Andersen A/S EB Teknik Borup A/S
2020-12-21   Lot D: Wood Chips Reception and Storage for DIN Forsyning Varme A/S (DIN Forsyning Varme A/S)
This invitation to tender concerns the procurement of Lot D: Wood chips reception and storage for DIN Forsyning Varme A/S. The invitation to tender is implemented as a negotiated procedure in accordance with the procedure laid down in Art. 47 in The Utilities Directive, Directive 2014/25/EU of 26. February 2014 and consists of a pre-qualification phase, an initial tendering phase and a negotiation phase with subsequent submission of final tenders. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Lachenmeier Monsun A/S Persolit Entreprenørfirma A/S
2020-07-10   Lot D: Wood Chips Reception, Screening, Transport, Storage and Extraction for DIN Forsyning Varme A/S (DIN Forsyning Varme A/S)
This invitation to tender concerns the procurement of Lot D: wood chips reception, screening, transport, distribution, storage and storage extraction for DIN Forsyning Varme A/S. Se udbuddet »
2014-12-15   Supply and installation of conveyors (Afatek A/S)
Afatek A/S is owned by five public waste management companies, covering the eastern part of Denmark. From its owners, Afatek receive Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) which is transported to Afatek's 3 sites for treatment and storage. Afterwards, the bottom ash gravel is used in the construction of roads. Afatek focusses on recovery of ferrous and non-ferrous metals from the IBA. This is partially in order to recover as much metal as possible, but also for the purpose of obtaining a high quality bottom ash … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: REMA Anlagenbau Gmbh
2012-05-23   Transport and storage equipment for a biomass co-firing plant for wood pellets (Vattenfall A/S)
The purchase will be divided into two different lots as described in the following. These may either be ordered as two separate contracts or as one common contract. LOT no. 1: Wood pellet receiving and transport equipment. The supply includes a wood pellet receiving facility and transport equipment for a biomass co-firing plant for wood pellets located at Nordjyllandsværket in the city of Aalborg. The supply includes design, manufacturing, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a wood pellet … Se udbuddet »
2011-09-28   Transport and storage equipment for a biomass co-firing plant for wood chips (Vattenfall A/S)
The supply includes design, manufacturing, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of wood chip receiving facilities, transport and storage equipment for a biomass co-firing plant for wood chips located at Nordjyllandsværket in the city of Aalborg. The supply includes design, manufacturing, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of an A-type wood chip storage with a capacity of 150 000 m³ including unloading facilities for receiving wood chips from wood chip and bulk carriers and a … Se udbuddet »