2021-10-06   Forensic Products and Consumables (reannouncement) (Rigspolitiet)
The Danish National Police is tendering framework agreements for the purchases of forensic products and consumables. The tender include various forensic products and consumables primarily used to secure evidence in relation to crime scene investigations and for laboratories and institutions examinations. The products will be used to store, develop and secure evidence that can be used in investigations. The Danish National Police wishes to enter into three framework agreements. For further description of … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Norad A/S
2021-08-13   Forensic Products and Consumables (tender) (Rigspolitiet)
The Danish National Police is tendering framework agreements for the purchases of forensic products and consumables. The tender include various forensic products and consumables primarily used to secure evidence in relation to crime scene investigations and for laboratories and institutions examinations. The products will be used to store, develop and secure evidence that can be used in investigations. The Danish National Police wishes to enter into three framework agreements. For further description of … Se udbuddet »
2011-10-03   Produkter til hjemmerespiration og søvnapnø behandling (Region Hovedstaden Koncernindkøb)
I henhold til udbudsmaterialet udbydes årligt indkøb af ca. 50 IV hjemmerespiratorer, 75 NIV hjemmerespiratorer, 500 CPAP udstyr, 17 Servo ventilator til Cheyne Stokes respiration, 2800 respirationsmasker, 30 fugtere, 70 sekretsug og 20 hostemaskiner. På option for bygherreleverance til privatpraktiserende speciallæger er endvidere 730 CPAP og 2750 respirationsmasker. Udbudet er delt i 8 delaftaler. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Cephalon A/S Covidien Danmark A/S Kendan A/S Maribo Medico A/S Medidane ApS Spiropharma A/S