2023-07-19   Babykuvøser (Region Nordjylland)
2.stk babykuvøser Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Medical Scandinavia
2016-05-30   Purchase of basic apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service... (Aarhus Universitet)
Purchase of basic apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service agreements in a framework agreement. The contracting authorities for this tender procedure are Aarhus University, which comprises all the faculties, departments, researchers and other staff connected to Aarhus University. All natural and legal persons/entities affiliated with the Contracting Authority may therefore make purchases under the Framework Agreement. Delivery must be made to an … Se udbuddet »
2016-04-29   Purchase of basic apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service... (Aarhus Universitet)
Purchase of basic apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service agreements in a framework agreement. The contracting authorities for this tender procedure are Aarhus University, which comprises all the faculties,departments, researchers and other staff connected to Aarhus University. All natural and legal persons/entities affiliated with the Contracting Authority may therefore make purchases under the Framework Agreement. Delivery must be made to an … Se udbuddet »
2012-03-27   Purchase of apparatus and instruments etc (Aarhus University)
The Contracting Authority wants to consolidate all purchases of apparatus and instruments as well as laboratory furniture and related consumables, including software, after-sales services and service agreements in a number of framework agreements. These agreements will substitute the agreements that the Contracting Authority currently holds with a number of suppliers based on two tenders, with a total of 25 lots, conducted and awarded in 2010. Furthermore the Contracting Authority will in this tender … Se udbuddet »