2018-10-02   Standard Optical Components and Opto-mechanics (1) (1) (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
The contract concerns a Framework Agreement for delivery of optical components e.g. spherical lenses, ND filters, diffusers, mirrors, optical fibers, couplers, amplifiers, and another Framework Agreement for delivery of opto-mechanics e.g. mountings, translation stages, support/posts, and motion controllers. Researchers, laboratory technicians and students need Framework Agreements with a wide assortment of optical components and opto-mechanics because their specific needs are very variable in terms of … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Thorlabs Sweden AB
2018-03-23   Standard optical components and opto-mechanics (1) (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU)
The contract concerns a Framework Agreement for delivery of optical components e.g. spherical lenses, ND filters, diffusers, mirrors, optical fibers, couplers, amplifiers, and another Framework Agreement for delivery of opto-mechanics e.g. mountings, translation stages, support / posts, and motion controllers. Researchers, laboratory technicians and students need framework agreements with a wide assortment of optical components and opto-mechanics because their specific needs are very variable in terms of … Se udbuddet »
2017-12-22   Standard optical components and opto-mechanics (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
The contract concerns a framework agreement for delivery of optical components e.g. spherical lenses, ND filters, diffusers, mirrors, optical fibers, couplers, amplifiers, and another framework agreement for delivery of opto-mechanics e.g. mountings, translation stages, support /posts, and mo-tion controllers. Researchers, laboratory technicians and students need framework agreements with a wide assortment of optical components and opto-mechanics because their specific needs are very variable in terms of … Se udbuddet »
2011-05-18   Rammeaftale for WAN-forbindelser (UNI-C)
UNI-C udbyder en rammeaftale af WAN-forbindelser til brug for Forskningsnettets medlemmer. Forskningsnettets medlemmer, typisk omfattende universiteter, sektorforskningsinstitutioner, forskningsbiblioteker og forskningssygehuse mv. er parter i rammeaftalen. Udtømmende liste med tilsluttede institutioner pr. 1.5.2011 findes på http://www.forskningsnettet.dk/node/152. Forskningsnettet er et landsdækkende højhastighedsnetværk, der forbinder universiteter og forskningsenheder i Danmark. Herudover stiller … Se udbuddet »