2022-05-30   STYR-E22 Rammeaftale - Levering af styreapparater til trafiksignalanlæg (Vejdirektoratet)
Rammeaftalen består af følgende tre hovedelementer: 1. Levering af styreapparater til trafiksignalanlæg 2. Levering af detekterings- og lydsignaludstyr, samt 3. Installation, drift og vedligehold af styreapparater samt detekterings- og lydsignaludstyr, herunder tillige: * Levering af reservedele, * Overdragelse af drifts- og vedligeholdsopgaven, inklusive oplæring, og * Hotline service efter endt drifts- og vedligeholdsperiode -- To leverandører vil blive inkluderet i rammeaftalen. -- Vejdirektoratet vil … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: ATKI A/S Swarco Danmark A/S
2018-11-07   Radar Esbjerg (Naviair)
The Air Navigation Service Provider in Denmark, Naviair, wants to procure and put into operation one State-of-The-Art Mode S Secondary Surveillance Radar (hereinafter referred to as MSSR Mode S), to be established at Esbjerg Airport (EKEB). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Indra Sistemas S.A.
2013-08-27   Framework agreement on Repair and Purchase of Travelling Wave Tube for SCANTER 4000/4100 Radars (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Repir and purchase of travelling wave tube for SCANTER/4000/4100 radars. 1. Repair and refurbishment of pulsed Coupled Cavity Travelling Wave Tubes (CC TWTs) designed for operation in the frequency band 8800 MHz to 9500 MHz having a peak pulsed output power of at least 12 kW and having waveguide input/output ports, e.g. CPI type VTX-5786B5. 2. Purchase of spare Coupled Cavity Travelling Wave Tubes (CC TWTs) designed for operation in the frequency band 8800 MHz to 9500 MHz having a peak pulsed output … Se udbuddet »
2011-12-21   Purchase of 4 new surveillance radars for ships and options to purchase up to further two new surveillance radars... (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase 4 new seabased surveillance radars for the THETIS class with options to buy up to further two seabased radars and two landbased radars. The Surveillance Radar System will be the primary sensor for helicopter approach and short to long range air & surface surveillance and target tracking in all weather and sea states (SS) within the ships operational envelope. The THETIS class will operate in all waters of the world … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Terma A/S
2011-11-10   Reparation af Coupled Cavity Travelling Wave Tube (TWT) (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Der ønskes udført reparation af to stk. Coupled Cavity Travelling Wave Tube (TWT) type VTC5765C2. Reparationsarbejdet omfatter: — Udskiftning af rørenes elektronkanon og gitterstruktur, — Efter behov udskiftning af rørets ionpumpe, — Gensamling af røret og påfyldning af vacuum, — Elektrisk afprøvning. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: FA Consulting A/S