2017-11-20   Rammeaftale om levering af passcannere (Rigspolitiet)
Rigspolitiet udbyder en rammeaftale af 4 års varighed, som omfatter levering af passcannere til scanning af kontaktløse pas, identitetskort og visa jf. ICAO 9303 med anvendelse af chip udlæsning til dækning af behovet herfor ved samtlige grænseovergange i Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland. Rammeaftalen vil blive indgået med 1 leverandør. Leverancen omfatter foruden passcannere også reservedele og i begrænset omfang en række tjenesteydelser, navnlig hotline support og ad hoc-reparation. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Biometric Solutions A/S
2016-11-07   Purchase of book cradle scanners for The Royal Library's Digitisation Department (The Royal Library)
An agreement for the purchase of two book cradle scanners and an option to purchase a third book cradle scanner within a 2-year period after signing the contract. Se udbuddet »
2016-09-01   Contract for Delivery of Film Scanning System (Danish Film Institute)
The Danish Film Institute's (DFI) Film Archive department is acquiring a film scanner for professional scanning of analogue film, in different formats and quality options. The content that will be digitized is old Danish analogue documentaries and documentary recordings. The operation of the film scanning system and the digitization will be conducted by external suppliers as well as in-house with a DFI digitizing set up, which will be placed at and handled by DFI. Included in the contract are maintenance … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: MWA Nova GmbH