Indkøb: Toender Fjernvarmeselskab AMBA

3 arkiverede indkøb

Toender Fjernvarmeselskab AMBA har historisk set været en køber af virksomhed med relation til olie- og gasindustrien, boring og maskiner til minedrift, stenbrydning samt bygge- og anlæg.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af Toender Fjernvarmeselskab AMBA

2014-04-14   Directional drilling and MWD (Toender Fjernvarmeselskab AMBA)
Pre-qualification for provisions of directional drilling for up to 4 geothermal wells in Denmark. The scope of work is to supply the operator with directional drilling and MWD to drill, test and complete wells at approximately 2 000-2 500 m (vertical and deviated). Se udbuddet »
2014-01-24   Directional drilling and MWD (Toender Fjernvarmeselskab AMBA)
Prequalification for provisions of directional drilling for up to 4 geothermal wells in Denmark. The scope of work is to supply the operator with directional drilling and MWD to drill, test and complete wells at approximately 2000-2500 m (vertical and deviated). Se udbuddet »
2013-10-04   Land drilling rig for geothermal wells (Toender Fjernvarmeselskab AMBA)
Tender for a land drilling rig for geothermal wells. The work is for up to 4 wells. The number of wells depend on the outcome of flow test. The work is expected to begin April/May 2014. Se udbuddet »