2014-03-28Auxiliary transportation services to the Danish Defence (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste))
The transportation services are divided into two lots: Lot 1 (D1) - A framework agreement covering worldwide auxiliary transportation services to support the Danish Defence (primarily Danish Defence and Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO)), when transporting goods acquired to the Danish Defence, repairable material and personal property in relation to relocation. Lot 2 (D4): A frameworl agreement covering auxiliary transportation services to support the Danish Defence's activities in the North …
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2014-02-11Repair and overhaul of GEM engine for Lynx Helicopter (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste))
Establishment of a framework agreement with a certified contractor performing repair and overhaul (R&O) services on the Rolls Royce GEM aero engine and as well on a level seperately.
The applicant shall be able and certified to execute all of the following requirements pertaining the GEM engine:
A) Depot level light and heavy maintenance including R&O and subsequent testing.
B) Incorporation of selected RR modifications.
C) Supply spare parts and consumables as required to accomplish the contracted …
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