The tender consists of 4 lots, each of which constitutes independent framework agreements:
Lot 1: Fixed Network Telephony
Lot 2: Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services
Lot 3: Broadband Internet Connection
Lot 4: Mobile Terminals
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2021-09-10.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2021-08-10.
Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:
Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Telecom/Broadband Services and Mobile Terminals
Produkter/tjenester: Telekommunikation📦
Kort beskrivelse:
“The tender consists of 4 lots, each of which constitutes independent framework agreements:
Lot 1: Fixed Network Telephony
Lot 2: Mobile Network Telephony...”
Kort beskrivelse
The tender consists of 4 lots, each of which constitutes independent framework agreements:
Lot 1: Fixed Network Telephony
Lot 2: Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services
Lot 3: Broadband Internet Connection
Lot 4: Mobile Terminals
Vis mere
Anslået værdi uden moms: DKK 56 700 000 💰
Oplysninger om partier
Der kan afgives bud for alle partier
1️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Lot 1: Fixed Network Telephony
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 1
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Offentlig telefontjeneste📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Mobiltelefontjeneste📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: IP-telefontjenester📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Telefon- og datatransmissionstjenester📦
Sted for udførelsen: Sjælland🏙️
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Fixed Network Telephony (Lot 1) covers fixed phone subscriptions for Andel in Denmark and both local and International traffic. A web and self-service...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Fixed Network Telephony (Lot 1) covers fixed phone subscriptions for Andel in Denmark and both local and International traffic. A web and self-service portal for handling subscription is a part of the scope. Consultancy services is included . The expected number of fixed network telephony subscriptions to be migrated/ported include approximately 1.350 subscriptions. For further description of the Lot references is made to the Lot 1 specifications.
Vis mere Kriterier for tildeling
Prisen er ikke det eneste tildelingskriterium, og alle kriterier er kun anført i udbudsdokumenterne
Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: DKK 3 600 000 💰
Kontraktens, rammeaftalens eller det dynamiske indkøbssystems varighed
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Varighed: 36
Kontraktens, rammeaftalens eller det dynamiske indkøbssystems varighed
Denne kontrakt kan forlænges ✅ Beskrivelse
Beskrivelse af fornyelser: 3 x 12 months
Oplysninger om begrænsningerne i antallet af ansøgere, der kan indbydes
Påtænkt antal ansøgere: 4
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere:
“If the number of compliant Applicants applying for prequalification exceeds 4, the Contracting Entity will perform the prequalification on the basis of an...”
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
If the number of compliant Applicants applying for prequalification exceeds 4, the Contracting Entity will perform the prequalification on the basis of an evaluation of the information in ESPD section IV.C., and the Contracting Entity will make an overall assessment, taking the following elements into account when evaluating the relevance of the references submitted:
- Submission of references documenting experience with delivering fixed network telephony to similar or comparable customer, content and complexity of contract, will be considered more relevant in the evaluation, i.e. the more relevant references the better (with a maximum of five).
- References documenting experience with delivering fixed network telephony for customers with at least 1.000 subscriptions, will be considered more relevant in the evaluation.
- References documenting the ability to deliver SIP-trunks in a redundant setup will be considered more relevant in the evaluation.
2️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Lot 2: Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 2
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services (Lot 2) is covering mobile subscriptions in Denmark, voice, text and data traffic, and global roaming....”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services (Lot 2) is covering mobile subscriptions in Denmark, voice, text and data traffic, and global roaming. Consultancy services is included . The expected number of mobile sub-scriptions to be migrated/ported include approximately 1.700 subscriptions to employees, temporary consul-tancy telephones and mobile broadband modems. Andel estimates to migrate/port a minimum of 800 subscrip-tions under this Framework Agreement.
Vis mere Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: DKK 14 700 000 💰
Oplysninger om begrænsningerne i antallet af ansøgere, der kan indbydes
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere:
“If the number of compliant Applicants applying for prequalification exceeds 4, the Contracting Entity will perform the prequalification on the basis of an...”
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
If the number of compliant Applicants applying for prequalification exceeds 4, the Contracting Entity will perform the prequalification on the basis of an evaluation of the information in ESPD section IV.C., and the Contracting Entity will make an overall assessment, taking the following elements into account when evaluating the relevance of the references submitted:
- Submission of references documenting experience with delivering mobile network telephony and data to similar or comparable customer, content and complexity of contract, will be considered more relevant in the evaluation, i.e. the more relevant references the better (with a maximum of five).
- References documenting experience with delivering mobile network telephony and data services to customers with at least 1.400 subscriptions, will be considered more relevant in the evaluation.
- References demonstrating the ability to deliver mobile subscriptions in a scalable and robust setup with a self-service portal for administration and the ability to inform and update on operational issues will be considered more relevant in the evaluation.
3️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Lot 3: Broadband Internet Connection
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 3
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Telekommunikationsnet📦
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Broadband Internet Connection (Lot 3) is covering the broadband internet connections including (if relevant) the installations delivered to Andel Employees...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Broadband Internet Connection (Lot 3) is covering the broadband internet connections including (if relevant) the installations delivered to Andel Employees at their home addresses in Denmark. It can be delivered on Fiber, Coax or Copper. A web and self-service portal for handling subscriptions is a part of the scope. Consul-tancy services is included. The expected number of broadband internet connection subscriptions to be mi-grated include approximately 1.400 subscriptions.
Vis mere Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: DKK 16 800 000 💰
Oplysninger om begrænsningerne i antallet af ansøgere, der kan indbydes
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere:
“If the number of compliant Applicants applying for prequalification exceeds 4, the Contracting Entity will perform the prequalification on the basis of an...”
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
If the number of compliant Applicants applying for prequalification exceeds 4, the Contracting Entity will perform the prequalification on the basis of an evaluation of the information in ESPD section IV.C., and the Contracting Entity will make an overall assessment, taking the following elements into account when evaluating the relevance of the references submitted:
- Submission of references documenting experience with delivering broadband internet connections to similar or comparable customer, content and complexity of contract, will be considered more relevant in the evaluation, i.e. the more relevant references the better (with a maximum of five).
- References documenting experience with delivering broadband internet connections to customers with at least 1.000 subscriptions, will be considered more relevant in the evaluation.
- References documenting the ability to migrate/port/onboard a new customer with at least 1.000 Broad-band internet connection subscriptions to employees effectively will be considered more relevant in the evaluation.
4️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Lot 4: Mobile Terminals
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 4
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Mobiltelefoner📦
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Mobile Terminals (Lot 4) is covering the mobile Smartphones for Andel’s employees. The expected number of mobile smartphones include approximately 1.500...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Mobile Terminals (Lot 4) is covering the mobile Smartphones for Andel’s employees. The expected number of mobile smartphones include approximately 1.500 devices. Andel’s current Tele and Data policy allows for the employees to substitute their smartphones every 24 months.
Vis mere Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: DKK 21 600 000 💰
Oplysninger om begrænsningerne i antallet af ansøgere, der kan indbydes
Påtænkt antal ansøgere: 5
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere:
“If the number of compliant Applicants applying for prequalification exceeds 5, the Contracting Entity will perform the prequalification on the basis of an...”
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
If the number of compliant Applicants applying for prequalification exceeds 5, the Contracting Entity will perform the prequalification on the basis of an evaluation of the information in ESPD section IV.C., and the Contracting Entity will make an overall assessment, taking the following elements into account when evaluating the relevance of the references submitted:
- Submission of references documenting experience with delivering mobile terminals to similar or comparable customer, content and complexity of contract, will be considered more relevant in the evaluation, i.e. the more relevant references the better (with a maximum of five).
- References documenting experience with delivering mobile terminals to customers with at least 1.400 employees/need for mobile terminals with a continuous replacement of devices will be considered more relevant in the evaluation.
Juridiske, økonomiske, finansielle og tekniske oplysninger Økonomisk og finansiel stilling
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The Applicant must in ESPD section IV.B provide information about average turnover for the past 3 fiscal years and equity for the last fiscal...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The Applicant must in ESPD section IV.B provide information about average turnover for the past 3 fiscal years and equity for the last fiscal year.
Documentation of economic and financial capacity must be provided according to the tender documents.
“For each of Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot 4, the following minimum requirements apply:
For Lot 1:
• an average turnover of DKK 6 (six) million or above for...”
For each of Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot 4, the following minimum requirements apply:
For Lot 1:
• an average turnover of DKK 6 (six) million or above for the past 3 fiscal years
• an equity of DKK 100 (hundred) million or above in the last financial year
For Lot 2:
• an average turnover of DKK 25 (twenty-five) million or above for the past 3 fiscal years
• an equity of DKK 100 (hundred) million or above in the last financial year
For Lot 3:
• an average turnover of DKK 30 (thirty) million or above for the past 3 fiscal years
• an equity of DKK 100 (hundred) million or above in the last financial year
For Lot 4:
• an average turnover of DKK 30 (thirty) million or above for the past 3 fiscal years
• an equity of DKK 50 (fifty) million or above in the last financial year
Vis mere Teknisk og faglig kompetence
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The Applicant must submit a completed ESPD for each lot the Applicant wish to apply for prequalification for.
The Applicant must submit the following...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The Applicant must submit a completed ESPD for each lot the Applicant wish to apply for prequalification for.
The Applicant must submit the following information in the ESPD for a specific lot:
The Applicant must provide a maximum of five (5) references, cf. II.1.4) and II.2.4) per lot, which the ap-plicant has performed during the last 3 years before the application deadline.
Only references relating to services/deliveries performed at the time of application will be taken into ac-count when assessing which applicants have documented the most relevant references (cf. point II.2.9) and when assessing whether the minimum requirements to technical and professional capacity is met, cf. below. In the case of an ongoing task, only the part of services/deliveries already performed at the time of applica-tion will be included in the assessment of the reference.
Each reference should include a brief description of the deliveries incl. number of subscriptions (for lot 4: devices), including a clear description of which of the services under points II.1.4) and II.2.4) per lot was included, as well as the applicant's role(s) and responsibility. Furthermore, please include the financial value of the delivery (amount), date of delivery and the name of the customer (recipient).
When stating the date of delivery, the applicant is asked to indicate the date of commencement and end of delivery. Is this not possible, e.g. because the tasks have been performed on an ongoing basis in accord-ance with a framework agreement, the applicant is asked to state in the description of the delivery how the date is stated.
A maximum of 5 references can be specified pr. lot, regardless of whether the applicant is a single compa-ny, whether the applicant is based on the technical ability of other entities, or whether it is an association of companies (e.g. a consortium).
If the applicant bases its application on another entity’s technical and professional capacity regarding the performance of specific parts of the deliveries covered by the contract, cf. point II.2.4), the deliveries un-der the contract must be performed by the entity on which the applicant relies.
The ESPD serves as a preliminary evidence that the applicant per lot meets the minimum requirements for suitability in relation to technical and professional capacity, cf. point III.1.3) and how the applicant meets the selection criterion, cf. point II.2.9).
Before the awarding of a contract the applicant or applicants who the contracting entity intends to award a framework agreement per lot to must provide documentation that information submitted in the ESPD is correct.
Vis mere Betingelser for deltagelse
Betingelser for deltagelse (tekniske og faglige kvalifikationer):
“For each of Lot 1 to 4, the following minimum requirements apply:
Lot 1: At least 2 references documenting experience with delivery of Fixed Network...”
Betingelser for deltagelse (tekniske og faglige kvalifikationer)
For each of Lot 1 to 4, the following minimum requirements apply:
Lot 1: At least 2 references documenting experience with delivery of Fixed Network Telephony within the last 3 years.
Lot 2: At least 2 references documenting experience with delivery of Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services within the last 3 years.
Lot 3: At least 2 references documenting experience with delivery of Broadband Internet Connection within the last 3 years.
Lot 4: At least 2 references documenting experience with delivery of Mobile Terminals within the last 3 years.
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De vigtigste finansieringsbetingelser og betalingsordninger og/eller henvisning til de relevante bestemmelser, der regulerer dem: Terms concerning financing and payment is stated in the tender documents.
Den juridiske form, som den sammenslutning af økonomiske aktører, der skal have kontrakten, skal have:
“Participant in a consortium or a joint venture will be jointly and severally liable to the contracting entity for the fulfillment of the contract.” Betingelser i forbindelse med kontrakten
Betingelser for opfyldelse af kontrakten:
“Terms of the framework agreement for each lot are included in the tender documents.”
Procedure Type af procedure
Forhandlet procedure med forudgående indkaldelse af konkurrencer
Oplysninger om en rammeaftale eller et dynamisk indkøbssystem
Rammeaftale med en enkelt operatør
Oplysninger om reduktion af antallet af løsninger eller tilbud under forhandling eller dialog
Anvendelse af en trinvis procedure for gradvist at reducere antallet af løsninger, der skal drøftes, eller af tilbud, der skal forhandles
Administrative oplysninger
Frist for modtagelse af bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse: 2021-09-10
12:00 📅
Anslået dato for afsendelse af invitationer til at afgive tilbud eller deltage til udvalgte ansøgere: 2021-09-23 📅
Sprog, på hvilke bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse kan indgives: engelsk 🗣️
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Minimumsfrist, inden for hvilken tilbudsgiveren skal opretholde tilbuddet: 4
Supplerende oplysninger Oplysninger om elektroniske arbejdsgange
Elektronisk fakturering vil blive accepteret
Der vil blive anvendt elektronisk betaling
Yderligere oplysninger
“With reference to ‘II.2.6) Estimated value’: The estimated total amount under each Framework Agreement for Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot 4 are estimated. The...”
With reference to ‘II.2.6) Estimated value’: The estimated total amount under each Framework Agreement for Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot 4 are estimated. The estimated total amounts are among other things based on historical data and our expectations to the future. The estimated total amounts are indicative, and the aggregated purchases made may vary from the estimated total amounts. Unforeseen circumstances might occur if for instance new projects, strategic changes or new needs arise, which may impact the volumes under each Framework Agreement. Therefore, the contracting entity has decided to also include an envisaged total maximum amount for each Framework Agreement covering Lot 1, Lot 2 Lot 3 and Lot 4 as follows:
Lot 1
Estimated total amount: 3 600 000 DKK
Total maximum amount: 4 400 000 DKK
Lot 2
Estimated total amount: 14 700 000 DKK
Total maximum amount: 18 600 000 DKK
Lot 3
Estimated total amount: 16 800 000 DKK
Total maximum amount: 20 100 000 DKK
Lot 4
Estimated total amount: 21 600 000 DKK
Total maximum amount: 28 100 000 DKK
Total for Lot 1, 2 3 and 4
Estimated total amount: 56 700 000 DKK
Total maximum amount: 71 200 000 DKK
Vis mere Gennemgå organ
Navn: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Postadresse: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Postby: Valby
Postnummer: 2500
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 41715000📞
URL:🌏 Gennemgangsprocedure
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer:
“Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
Pursuant to Section 3 of the Danish Consolidation Act No 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints...”
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
Pursuant to Section 3 of the Danish Consolidation Act No 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement (available at, the following time limits for filing a complaint apply:
Complaints regarding a candidate not being pre-qualified must be filed with the Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 20 calendar days starting the day after the contracting authority has sent notification to the candidates involved, cf. § 7(1) of the Act on The Complaints Board for Public Procurement, provided that the notification includes a short account of the relevant reasons for the decision.
Other complaints must in accordance with § 7(2) of the Act on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement be filed with the Complaints Board for Public Procurement within:
1) 45 calendar days after the contracting authority has published a contract award notice in the Official Journal of the European Union (with effect from the day following the publication date);
2) 30 calendar days starting the day after the contracting authority has informed the tenderers in question, that the contracting authority has entered into a contract based on a framework agreement through reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system, provided that the notification includes a short account of the relevant reasons for the decision;
3) 6 months starting the day after the contracting authority has sent notification to the candidates involved that the contracting authority has entered into the framework agreement, cf. § 2(2) or § 171(4) of the Public Procurement Act, provided that the notification included a short account of the relevant reasons for the decision;
4) 20 calendar days starting the day after the contracting authority has published a notice concerning its decision to uphold the contract, cf. § 185(2) of the Public Procurement Act.
The complainant must inform the contracting authority of the complaint in writing at the latest simultaneously with the lodge of the complaint to the Complaints Board for Public Procurement stating whether the complaint has been lodged in the standstill period, cf. § 6(4) of the Act on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement. If the complaint has not been lodged in the standstill period, the complainant must also state whether it is requested that the appeal is granted delaying effect, cf. § 12(1) of the said Act.
The email of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement is stated in Section VI.4.1).
The Complaints Board for Public Procurement’s own guidance note concerning complaints is available at the internet address stated in Section VI.4.1).
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter (2021-10-21) Objekt Oplysninger om partier
Denne kontrakt er opdelt i partier ✅ Kriterier for tildeling
Kvalitetskriterium (navn): Quality
Kvalitetskriterium (vægtning): 40 %
Kvalitetskriterium (navn): Service Operations
Kvalitetskriterium (vægtning): 20 %
Pris (justeringskoefficient): 40 %
Procedure Oplysninger om rammeaftalen
Indkøbet indebærer, at der indgås en rammeaftale
Administrative oplysninger
Tidligere offentliggørelse vedrørende denne procedure: 2021/S 156-414773
Tildeling af kontrakt
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 3
Titel: Lot 3: Broadband Internet Connection
Oplysninger om ikke-tilskudsgivende
Andre årsager (afbrydelse af proceduren)
Supplerende oplysninger Yderligere oplysninger
“Lot 3: Broadband Internet Connection has been canceled due to reconsiderations regarding the duration of the contract and scope of the services.
Lot 1, Lot...”
Lot 3: Broadband Internet Connection has been canceled due to reconsiderations regarding the duration of the contract and scope of the services.
Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 4 are as of now still expected to be awarded.
Vis mere
Kilde: OJS 2021/S 208-545806 (2021-10-21)
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter (2022-02-11) Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Kort beskrivelse:
“The tender consists of 3 lots, each of which constitutes independent framework agreements:
Lot 1: Fixed Network Telephony
Lot 2: Mobile Network Telephony...”
Kort beskrivelse
The tender consists of 3 lots, each of which constitutes independent framework agreements:
Lot 1: Fixed Network Telephony
Lot 2: Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services
Lot 3: Broadband Internet Connection (CANCELED)
Lot 4: Mobile Terminals
Vis mere Beskrivelse
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services (Lot 2) is covering mobile subscriptions in Denmark, voice, text and data traffic, and global roaming....”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services (Lot 2) is covering mobile subscriptions in Denmark, voice, text and data traffic, and global roaming. Consultancy services is included . The expected number of mobile subscriptions to be migrated/ported include approximately 1.700 subscriptions to employees, temporary consultancy telephones and mobile broadband modems. Andel estimates to migrate/port a minimum of 800 subscrip-tions under this Framework Agreement.
Vis mere
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Fixed Network Telephony (Lot 1) covers fixed phone subscriptions for Andel in Denmark and both local and International traffic. A web and self-service...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Fixed Network Telephony (Lot 1) covers fixed phone subscriptions for Andel in Denmark and both local and International traffic. A web and self-service portal for handling subscription is a part of the scope. Consultancy services is included. The expected number of fixed network telephony subscriptions to be migrated/ported include approximately 1.350 subscriptions. For further description of the Lot references is made to the Lot 1 specifications.
Procedure Administrative oplysninger
Tidligere offentliggørelse vedrørende denne procedure: 2021/S 208-545806
Tildeling af kontrakt
Kontraktnummer: 1
Titel: Lot 1: Fixed Network Telephony
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten: 2022-01-11 📅
Navn og adresse på kontrahenten
Navn: Telenor A/S
Nationalt registreringsnummer: 19433692
Postadresse: Frederikskaj 8
Postby: København V
Postnummer: 1780
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Region: Sjælland🏙️
Entreprenøren er en SMV
Oplysninger om kontraktens/parcellens værdi (ekskl. moms)
Anslået samlet værdi af kontrakten/partiet: DKK 3 600 000 💰
Kontraktens/parcellens samlede værdi: DKK 2 534 000 💰
Kontraktnummer: 2
Titel: Lot 2: Mobile Network Telephony and Data Services
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten: 2022-01-13 📅
Navn og adresse på kontrahenten
Navn: NUUDAY - TDC Erhverv A/S & NetDesign A/S
Nationalt registreringsnummer: 40075291
Postadresse: Teglholmsgade1
Postby: København SV
Postnummer: 2450
Oplysninger om kontraktens/parcellens værdi (ekskl. moms)
Anslået samlet værdi af kontrakten/partiet: DKK 14 700 000 💰
Kontraktens/parcellens samlede værdi: DKK 8 200 000 💰
Kontraktnummer: 4
Titel: Lot 4: Mobile Terminals
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten: 2022-01-15 📅
Oplysninger om kontraktens/parcellens værdi (ekskl. moms)
Anslået samlet værdi af kontrakten/partiet: DKK 21 600 000 💰
Kontraktens/parcellens samlede værdi: DKK 22 500 000 💰
Supplerende oplysninger Yderligere oplysninger
“The estimated total amount under each Framework Agreement for Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 4 are estimated. The estimated total amounts are among other things based...”
The estimated total amount under each Framework Agreement for Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 4 are estimated. The estimated total amounts are among other things based on historical data and our expectations to the future. The estimated total amounts are indicative, and the aggregated purchases made may vary from the estimated total amounts. Unforeseen circumstances might occur if for instance new projects, strategic changes or new needs arise, which may impact the volumes under each Framework Agreement. Therefore, the contracting entity has decided to also include an envisaged total maximum amount for each Framework Agreement covering Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 4 as follows:
Lot 1
Estimated total amount: 3 600 000 DKK
Total maximum amount: 4 400 000 DKK
Lot 2
Estimated total amount: 14 700 000 DKK
Total maximum amount: 18 600 000 DKK
Lot 4
Estimated total amount: 21 600 000 DKK
Total maximum amount: 28 100 000 DKK
Vis mere
Kilde: OJS 2022/S 033-086026 (2022-02-11)