Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af betingelserne
As part of the request for prequalification, the applicant must submit a ”European Single Procurement Document” (also referred to as the ESPD document). The ESPD document must be filled out on
Information on the economic entity:
In the ESPD document the applicant must provide information on the following matters (ESPD section II):
— A: Information on the economic entity,
— B: Information on the representatives of the economic entity,
— C: Information on other entities on which the economic entity relies.
Ground for exclusion:
In the ESPD document the applicant must provide declarations on the following matters (ESPD section III):
— Whether the applicant is subject to the grounds for exclusion in section 135(1)-(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act (mandatory grounds for exclusion on participation in criminal organisation, bribery, fraud,
Terrorist acts, money laundering, child labour, unpaid outstanding debt etc.), and
— Whether the applicant is subject to the grounds for exclusion in section 136 of the Danish Public Procurement Act (mandatory grounds for exclusion on conflicts of interest, distortion of competition, gross mis-representation
Etc.), and
— Whether the applicant is subject to the grounds for exclusion in section 137(1)(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act (concerns bankruptcy, insolvency or winding-up proceedings, reconstruction or restructuring.
Suspension of business activities and similar situations), and
— Whether the applicant is subject to the grounds for exclusion in section 137(1)(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act (concerns distortion of competition), and
— Whether the applicant is subject to the grounds for exclusion in section 137(1)(6) of the Danish Public Procurement Act (concerns undue influence on the decision-making process etc.)
All declarations must be provided in the ESPD document.
In the case of groups of applicants (consortium) each individual participant in the group must enclose a separate ESPD document which includes the above-mentioned declarations.
As documentation for the formation of the consortium, the contracting entity will require that the group provides a declaration or other documentation which proves the formation of a consortium
With joint a several liability for the performance of the contract (if awarded), the identities of the members and the selection of a representative towards the contracting entity. Note that the documentation should not be included in the request for prequalification. The documentation should only be submitted on the request of the contracting entity.
The tender documents include a template consortium declaration which can be used.
If the applicant relies on the economic/financial ability and/or technical/professional ability of other entities (e.g. subcontractors or entities within the same group, including parent companies, affiliates or subsidiaries) each
Individual entity must enclose a separate ESPD document which includes the above-mentioned declarations. As documentation of the support, the contracting entity will require that the supporting entity provides a declaration or other documentation which proves that the supporting entity is legally obligated to place the economic/financial ability and/or technical/professional ability at the disposal of the applicant, and that the entity accepts joint and several liability (see point III.1.8). The tender documents include a template declaration which can be used. Note that the documentation should not be included in the request for prequalification. The documentation should only be submitted on the request of the contracting entity.