Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
When making a selection among the suitable applicants, Aarhus Vand will select the four applicants who, in light of the tendered works, are assessed to have the best technical and professional capacity as well as sufficient financial resilience. This will take place on the basis of the contracting authority's evaluation of the applicants' technical capacity as documented by way of the references forwarded as well as the applicants' economic and financial capacity based on the requested key ratios. The main emphasis will be on the former (references).
The evaluation will take place on the basis of information stated in the eESPD as well as any supplementary reference sheets.
In the selection procedure, the contracting authority will assess the applicants' financial resilience in light of the project and which applicants have documented, by way of the references forwarded, the most relevant references in respect of the tendered works.
By ‘relevant references’, the contracting authority means references which are comparable to the tendered work in terms of nature and scope, including in particular references within:
— establishment of major process plants such as, e.g., wastewater treatment plants, waterworks, district heating plants or biogas plants or the like, which include management of a range of technical disciplines such as structures, machine plants and piping, electrical installations, CRS (control, regulation and supervision);
— project management and construction management regarding establishment of large complex construction projects;
— participation in innovation processes and implementation of new technologies, including test and demonstration facilities;
— experience with implementation of plants with a high degree of modularity and flexibility;
— risk assessment and management of large complex construction projects;
— financial management and follow-up on large complex construction projects.
Particular importance is attached to references relating to advanced wastewater treatment plants/resource recovery plants (i.e. WRRF). Importance is also attached to major plants such as, e.g., wastewater treatment plants, waterworks, district heating plants, biogas plants or the like.
Furthermore, importance is attached to experience with working under climatic conditions that correspond to those that apply to ReWater (Denmark). This includes knowledge of the special impact of these climatic conditions on planning and execution of the work.
Similarly, importance is attached to experience with managing dialogue with authorities and obtaining approvals and permits with Danish authorities for project of similar complexity. To ensure that the applicant is able to contribute to ensuring swift (compliance with time schedules) and effective (minimising costs) progress, importance is attached to the applicant having experience with the special rules and procedures that apply to Danish official processing of applications for building permits; compliance with EIA permit; involvement of planning authority; as well as utilisation of scope of permits and approvals obtained when choosing specific technologies.
Consequently, when filling in the application for pre-qualification, the applicant is requested to include no more than a total of 10 references which, to the widest extent possible, document the applicant's experience in the above-mentioned areas of expertise.
— The references cannot be older than 10 years calculated from completion date.
— The references must pertain to ongoing/completed projects and cannot amount to more than two A4 sheets (font size 11) for each reference (as for separately included references).
Considering the special nature of the work — including the request for references on innovative projects — it is permitted to include references that are up to 10 years old calculated from completion date.