Maximum 3 applicants will be pre-qualified for the tender procedure.
If the number of applicants applying for pre-qualification exceeds 3, the Contracting entity will perform the pre-qualification based on an evaluation of each applicant’s respective (prioritized order)
Technical ability (relevant references).
If the applicant relies on the technical capacity or resources of other entities documentation regarding the technical capacity or resources shall be submitted for such entities. The applicant must prove that the applicant has at its disposal the necessary resources, for instance by providing documentation that the Applicant can rely on the capacities of the other economic operators in this respect.
Conditions to be fulfilled by economic operators in view of their qualification:
Application for admission must be submitted in the e-sourcing system Scanmarket.
Applicants are requested to fill out the eESPD document provided by Ørsted Bioenergy and Thermal Power A/SinScanmarket as an XML file.
Please follow the link
https://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/espd/welcomeand upload the XML file therein order to fill out the eESPD document.
The Applicant is only required to complete the eESPD. If additional files are provided, the Applicant is asked torefer to such files in the eESPD.
Conditions to be fulfilled by economic operators in view of their qualification:
A) Information regarding the applicant:
— company name, address, mail, name and web-page,
— contact person, mail and phone-number,
— registration (Company Registration Nº VAT Nº or equivalent).
The information should be provided in the eESPD, Part II, Section A.
B) Economic and financial standing information:
B1) The Applicant is encouraged to submit a description of its ownership and corporate structure. If the Applicant is a subsidiary, the Applicant is encouraged to submit the name of the highest possible group parent — being an entity directly or indirectly controlling more than 50% of the Applicant. The information may be provided in part V of the eESPD. If, for technical reasons, the Applicant finds that it is impossible to insert a full description of ownership and corporate structure in the eESPD, the Applicant can consider to upload a separate file in Scanmarket with the description and refer to such file in the eESPD Part V.
Conditions to be fulfilled by economic operators in view of their qualification: Ørsted Bioenergy and Thermal Power A/S reserves the right to set a deadline for submission of the description of ownership structure after the request to participate.
B2) The Applicant shall submit information enabling Ørsted Bioenergy and Thermal Power A/S to assess the Applicant’s economic and financial capacity.
The Applicant shall provide the following figures based on the latest two signed and approved annual reports.
The Applicant shall submit the information in the eESPD Part V, stating which financial year the information relates to (e.g. financial Year 2017 if this is the latest annual report):
1. turnover (revenue),
2. net result before tax,
3. current assets,
4. total assets (Sum of all assets),
5. total shareholder’s equity (Equity including minority shares),
6. current liabilities,
7. intangible assets,
8. inventories,
9. trade receivables,
10. cash and cash equivalents, and
11. trade payables.
Conditions to be fulfilled by economic operators in view of their qualification:
Please note that Ørsted Bioenergy and Thermal Power A/S might have minimum requirements to the Applicant’s economic and financial capacity which will be used in specific tenders.
Accordingly, Applicants are encouraged to consider whether they should apply for qualification with economic and financial support from other entities in order to improve their possibilities of being pre-qualified.
Please note the language requirement in section IV.2, which also applies to the financial information. Ørsted Bioenergy and Thermal Power A/S reserves the right to supplement ap…