Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Original description of tender:
The scope of the PAM project is:
— video ingest — SDI, stream, proxy streams, including a scheduling application for recording,
— video ingest — files and camera files,
— logging applications (generic shot-listing adding metadata, sports logging),
— Easy Video Editing,
— Craft Video Editing,
— a generic publishing mechanism (Send to),
— all storage required for any in-house video production,
— storage- and media management. The management system is assumed to cover all management and Housekeeping including EDL management, media management, deletion, etc.
— media management includes media in our current Avid Interplay DIVArchive (offline tapes — in which the media is stored in AAF and OP-Atom). This archived media must be restorable for use in the new PAM,
— migration of metadata from the current Avid Interplay archive database to the new media management database,
— migration of media and metadata from current Avid Interplay systems to the new PAM, while in a 24-hour operation,
— APIs and integration points to various other TV 2 systems such as the central TV 2 Content HUB (that holds descriptive metadata, reference metadata and Story/Project (collections)) and integration to an editorial planning system, etc.
— expose all harvested metadata to the TV 2 Content HUB via API,
— follow the TV 2 story-centric concept,
— a metadata-driven PAM workflow orchestration — the mechanism to carry out all required actions of moving media within the PAM system as well as in and out of the PAM, according to rules and user-initiated workflows,
— all services required for background rendering, flattening of files, transfers to playout servers and publishing platforms, generation of proxy files, etc.
— 5 000 hours high-bitrate and proxy editing storage,
— 10 000 hours high-bitrate nearline storage and proxy editing storage,
— 25 000 hours proxy parking storage (expected growth a year),
— server hardware, network equipment, and 3rd party software that TV 2 can acquire through regular channels,
— 20 — 30 HD-SDI playout channels across 2 sites (Odense and Copenhagen),
— fast turnaround ingest/playout (16 channels in/10 channels out).
All required hardware and software to run the proposed solution must be offered.