Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The applicant may provide up to a maximum of 5 references that DSB will use in the assessment for choosing the limited number of applicants to be invited, cf. above section II.2.9).
Each reference should address the following issues:
— name of the economic entity delivering the reference,
— description of the project, including the type of building or construction (new building/construction, refurbishment, renovation, industrial plant),
— description of the form of consultancy, whether it was lead consultancy, shared consultancy or sub-consultancy and the applicant’s part/role,
— description of whether the execution of the project was done as a general contract, multidisciplinary contracts, design and build contract or a trade contract,
— description of the services provided by the applicant including design in all phases and other services such as program or project management, construction management, services in the execution phase, services related to railways, tracks, traffic and repair and maintenance facilities etc.
— gross area,
— total contract value of the entire project in DKK excluding VAT,
— the fee paid to the applicants for the services provided in DKK excluding VAT,
— the collaboration with third parties such as other consultants,
— date for handover of the building / construction,
— the name of the client.
It is a requirement that the references provided concern projects where hand over is completed. DSB has chosen to only allow for references where handover of the building/construction has taken place within the past 5 years prior to the deadline for submission of application for pre-qualification. All references provided by the applicant should be listed in the ESPD of the applicant (lead consultant) or lead of the consortium. The applicant may also provide the description of the references in a separate document, however, the ESPD of the applicant / lead of the consortium should contain a list of names of the references.
Each reference must not exceed 2-A4 pages. If a description of a reference exceeds more than 2-A4 pages. DSB will disregard any pages above 2 A4 pages.
If the applicant is relying on the capacity of one or more other entities, the applicant must prove that the necessary resources from the supporting entity/entities will be made available to the applicant, for example by producing an undertaking on the part of those entities to that effect, cf. Letter of Commitment.
The applicant may only rely on the capacity of another entity in regard, to technical and professional ability where the latter will perform the services for which these capacities are required.
If the applicant is a group of economic operators (e.g. a consortium), the consortium may as a whole submit 5 references. If the applicant relies on the capacity of one or more other entities, a maximum of 5 references maybe submitted for the applicant and the supporting entities together.
If more than 5 references are submitted, DSB will take the newest references into consideration first (calculated from the date of handing over of the project.)
If it cannot be determined which references are the newest, DSB will draw lots among the references submitted.
DSB does not intend to ask the applicants to provide further documentation for the information provided in the ESPD regarding technical and professional ability, see section III.1.3) of the Contract Notice. However, DSB reserves the right to contact the applicant/tenderer and/or the recipients of the deliveries in order to verify the information stated in Part IV, section C in the ESPD.