Betingelser for deltagelse (tekniske og faglige kvalifikationer)
References for similar projects
For use in the evaluation of technical and professional ability, the candidate must provide
Information about its principal works/deliverables in/under similar projects/contracts within pumping station projects performed within the past 10 years.
References shall be listed in the ESPD.
— The candidate must be able to demonstrate at least 3 [three] references
The tenderer is advised to provide the following
Information in the list of references:
I. The name of the contracting entity;
II. Description of the scope of Contract;
III. Contract Sum;
IV. Sub-contracors and their supplies and sub contract value;
V. Time period for execution of the Contract.
It will be weighted positively if the tender has performed contracts with contract values of more than 3 000 000 DKK excl. VAT.
— references for propeller pump installations
For use in the evaluation of technical and professional ability, the candidate must provide information about its principal supplies of propeller pumps each with capacity of > 2,0 m/s for
Pumping unscreened combined storm water within the past 10 years. References shall be listed in the ESPD.
The candidate must be able to demonstrate at least 3 [three] references.
A single reference may contain more than one of the above categories, thus covering several categories.
The tenderer is advised to provide the following
Information in the list of references:
VI. The name of the contracting entity;
VII. Description of the scope of Contract;
VIII. Number of pumps supplied with motor size (kW) and Qduty for each pump;
IX. Location of the pumps in the plant/site and information on pump media;
X. Time period for execution of the Contract.
It will be weighted positively if the references includes propeller pumps with capacity > 2,5
M3/s/pump pumping unscreened combined storm water with up to 10 % content of raw sewage.
— References for hydraulic scale model tests
For use in the evaluation of technical and professional ability, the candidate must provide
Information about performed hydraulic scale model tests of pump intakes according to ANSI/HI 9.8 guidelines within the past 10 years. References shall be listed in the ESPD.
The candidate must be able to demonstrate at least 3 [three] references.
A single reference may contain more than one of the above categories, thus covering several categories.
The tenderer is advised to provide the following
Information in the list of references:
I. The name of the contracting entity;
II. Description of the scope of Contract;
III. Number of pump intakes in the scale model;
IV. Number of scenarios tested;
V. Test standard;
VI. Contract Value;
VII. Time period for execution of the Contract.
It will be weighted positively with references includes pumping stations with 2 or more propeller
Pumps in combined pump sump tested according to the ANSI/HI 9.8 guidelines.