TEMPEST IT materiel

Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse

This notice concerns the establishment of a framework agreement regarding the the supply of a range of different TEMPEST IT products, level A and level B in accordance with NATO standard for Tempest equipment SECAN Doctrine and Implementation Publication 27 (SDIP-27). The following products are a part of the framework agreement.
TEMPEST, level A products:
— Zero Client desktops.
— KVM Switches.
— Fibreoptic KVM extenders (both receivers and transmitters).
— Copper cables for connecting zero clients, KVM switches, KVM extenders.
— Keyboard and mouse.
— Desktop monitors.
— Wall-mounted large format monitors.
— Fibreoptic HDMI extender (both receivers and transmitters).
— Printers.
TEMPEST, level B products:
— Wall-mounted large format monitors.
— Fibreoptic HDMI extenders.
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) expects there to be a larger order (+ 50 units of zero clients, KVM switches and extenders, cables, keyboard and mouse and desktop monitors) after the commencement of this framework agreement.
The framework agreement will have a duration of 7 (seven) years.
Tenderers that are prequalified for this tender are specifically made aware that as part of their offer, they shall deliver the following test specimens in connection with the tender evaluation. A) One Zero Client that supports the use of minimum 2 external displays in a split screen configuration, has 2 x USB TYPE-A ports version 2.0 in the zero client cabinet and has USB ports for attaching storage devices which must be integrated in the cabinet. B) One Keyboard Video Mouse Receiver and Transmitter (KVM RX / TX) The KVM transmitter and KVM receiver are procured as pairs and the prequalifed tenderers shall send both in for the test, only the KVM receiver shall be TEMPEST, Level A. C) One Keyboard Video Mouse (KVM) The KVM switch shall support switching between four source systems and shall comply with NATO INFOSEC requirements, maintaining channel separation and protecting against information leakage. D) One Keyboard In Danish layout. E) One Mouse: Optical F) One Desktop Monitor, with Flat LCD screen, LED backlight, anti-glare surface treatment in size 23-24 inches active display diagonal. G) All Cables necessary for the test.
The prequalified tenderes shall deliver the above described test specifimens with their offer in week 16. The exact date of delivery will be specified in the tender documents the prequalifed tenders will gain access to upon been prequalified.
Tender is handled by Mercell Sourcing Services, use http://permalink.mercell.com/64433524.aspx

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2017-02-23. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2017-01-24.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2017-01-24 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2017-01-27 Supplerende oplysninger
2017-06-29 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter