Beskrivelse af mulighederne
The tender include a range of options, for which the applicant must describe the specific technical solution and state a price.
DSB has included options for 4 additional types of rolling stock. The OTU rolling stock type is covered by 2 alternative options. Further, a number of options regarding technical functionalities for the Wi-Fi service are included:
1. Options to include additional rolling stock types:
a. Delivery of equipment for and operation of a Wi-Fi service in up to 77 (seventy seven) IC4 train sets;
b. Delivery of equipment for and operation of a Wi-Fi service in up to 135 (one hundred and thirty five) S-train train sets (Type SA and SE);
c. Delivery of equipment for and operation of a Wi-Fi service in up to 20 (twenty) Desiro train sets;
d. Delivery of equipment for and operation of a Wi-Fi service in up to 34 (thirty four) OTU train sets owned by DSB only;
e. Delivery of equipment for and operation of a Wi-Fi service in up to 111 (one hundred and eleven) OTU train sets, whereof 34 are owned by DSB and 77 are owned by 4 Swedish entities. This specific option comprises train sets which are operating in a joint pool for traffic services in both Danmark and Sweden;
The rolling stock types are included as options as DSB needs the flexibility to postpone the final decision on installing the Wi-FI service solution into these rolling stock types.
The 111 OTU trainsets are managed as one pool of rolling stock comprising 34 trainsets owned by DSB and 77 owned by Swedish entities. All units are deployed across Swedish and Danish railway operation as business demands requires.
2. Options for technical functionalities and properties:
a. SDD Hard drive in controller prebuild with an available capacity of 1TB. This option covers the capacity of factory build hard drive, which must be a SSD HD (Solid State Drive) HD (Hard drive) available for e.g. virtual server, FTP server, data collection or other future OBN services.
b. Module based OBN controller. Option covers controller flexibility. The factory build module based controller must be able to operate with changeable modems, HD (Hard drive) and available space for new modules, for future upgrades.
c. Data analysis integration. Option regarding data analysis integrated to DSB’s data warehouse, so that DSB data analysts can access the logged data from the Wi-Fi service.
d. “Content partner IP whitelisting”. Suppliers back end functionalities shall support “DSB content partner IP whitelisting”, meaning that if DSB makes a partnership with a content provider, then the supplier should be able to provide DSB and its content providers with an IP address range, that can be whitelisted with the content provider. This includes granting access to the content without further / additional login.
e. Wi-Fi mesh failover. Option to include use of Wi-Fi mesh connections for failover purposes between access points to improve operation stability of the Wi-Fi service in case a jumper between 2 train coaches is failing. Mesh is only intended to support Wi-Fi mesh technology between the trains coaches.
f. DSB envisions the Service Provider to supply DSB with an affordable built-in simplified Passenger Counting System (PCS). The output from the PCS should be available and accessible from the Service Provider NOC, where DSB can analyse the data.