Cameras for ENG production (pre-qualification)

TV 2 Danmark A/S

TV 2 DANMARK A/S (TV 2) hereby invites all interested and qualified suppliers to apply for pre-qualification in relation to the tender ‘Cameras for ENG production’. The tender will form a framework agreement for delivery of cameras and accessories, training, documentation and support.
Scope of tender:
The tender includes delivery of the following equipment plus training, documentation and support:
Estimated quantity Product:
— 55 ENG cameras and viewfinders;
— 25 VJ cameras;
— 30 Ultra portable cameras (optional);
— 340 Recording media;
— 70 Media readers;
— 25 Portable players/recorders
— 2 Stationary recorders.
The cameras will primarily be used for news and sports and a key feature is speed in production and standardized workflows. Therefore, solid-state recording media must be the same type for ENG and VJ cameras. Video codex must be the same for ENG and VJ cameras and it must be possible to match the look and the image quality between the two camera types. The lens mount for ENG cameras must be 2/3” B4 bayonet mount.
TV 2’s basic requirement for the HI-Res codecs in the ENG and VJ cameras is a max. of 50 Mb/s and in order to ensure a high speed workflow a key feature is a native end-to-end workflow in the Avid production system (ISIS/Interplay) and native playout from TV 2’s Harmonic/Omneon playout servers without transcoding.
The cameras should act as ‘connected cameras’ i.e. should be possible to download assignment metadata to the camera and it should be possible to upload media and metadata from the camera to the production and planning systems. Finally, TV 2 wishes to live stream directly from the connected cameras.
The framework agreement will have a duration of 3 years. TV 2 is entitled to extend the framework agreement for 1 year, which means that the framework agreement can have a maximum duration of 4 years.
The regional TV 2 stations (TV 2/Lorry, TV 2/NORD, TV SYD, TV 2/FYN, TV ØST, TV MIDTVEST, TV 2/ØSTJYLLAND and TV 2/Bornholm) must have the right to sign framework agreements and buy cameras and accessories under the same conditions as TV 2 during the contract period of the TV 2 framework agreement. The Contractor and the individual regional TV 2 station that wishes to utilize this option must sign framework agreements identical to the framework agreement between TV 2 and the Contractor.
Preliminary time schedule for the tender process is attached as document D.
The purchaser is using Mercell Sourcing Services for this tender. To notify your interest and get access to any documents, you must copy and paste the link below into the address-part on your browser. Then choose the relevant tender.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-11-06. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-10-07.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2015-10-07 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2016-02-18 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter