Ringsted — Fehmarn Rail Line. E3006 New Bridge Guldborgsund
The Tender package, E3006 New Bridge Guldborgsund, is a Design and Build tender package at the stretch 221 420 km to 223 446 km concerning:
— Construction of a new single track bascule bridge parallel to the existing bridge;
— The existing bascule and impact pier shall be widened, and built together with the new bascule and impact pier;
— Integration of the new operating system for the bascule span with the existing;
— Track work on the new bridge;
— Replacement of Soft soil along approx. 1.5 km of the railway track;
— Approx. 1.6 km single track rail embankment and ballast including drainage;
— Between 150 — 1000 m of sheet piling along the tracks;
— 3 new fauna passages and widening of 2 existing culverts;
— Widening and replacement of waterproofing on the bridge Prinsholmvej (Bridge no 17596);
— Working in Natura 2000 area;
— Interface to Nordic Sugar.
Further information about E3006 New Bridge Guldborgsund is available at Banedanmarks website:
www.banedanmark.dk/femern-udbud (Danish) and
www.banedanmark.dk/fehmarn-tender (English).
The pre-qualification evaluation is a 2 step process. The required ‘Economic and financial ability’ stipulated in III.2.2) with the requirement of a guarantee is pre-requisite for evaluation of references and therefore step 1 in the pre-qualification process. If the guarantee is not received, the application is considered non-conformant and the candidate will not be considered to be pre-qualified.
Step 2 is evaluation of the references. The references will be evaluated solely based on the 5 references provided as stated in III.2.3) by using the template provided as a part of the pre-qualification information.
Information provided in other documents will not be considered. The focus during evaluation will be on relevant projects similar to the Ringsted — Fehmarn Rail Line, E3006.
After the pre-qualification evaluation process the pre-qualified candidates, the tenderers, will be invited to participate in submitting tenders. Based on the invitation to tender the tenderers submit a ‘First Negotiating Tender’ (in the following referred to as ‘FNT’). The FNT will be the basis for a negotiation process where the focus will be strengths and weaknesses of the FNT. The tenderers then have to submit a ‘Best and Final Offer’ (in the following referred to as BAFO), and eventually a revised BAFO, based on the FNT and the conclusions from the negotiation process. The BAFO/revised BAFO will be evaluated according to the award criteria outlined in the tender documents.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-01-27.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-10-20.
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