Ringsted — Fehmarn Rail Line. Civil works


The contract covers design, planning and execution of civil works including earthworks, sub-ballast, ballast, storm water drainage, structures etc. in connection with the upgrading of the railway line between Ringsted and Fehmarn.
The contract is divided into 3 lots:
— E2001 — Civil Works, Ringsted-Vordingborg,
— E2002 — Civil Works, Falster, and
— E2003 — Civil Works, Lolland.
Further information about the 3 lots and the whole project is available at Banedanmarks website: www.bane.dk/Ringsted-Femern (Danish) and www.bane.dk/Ringsted-Fehmarn (English). The scopes of work of the 3 lots are described in Annex B.
Candidates can apply for pre-qualification to tender for all 3 lots, 2 lots or 1 lot only. However in case the candidate applies for less than all 3 lots he cannot specify which lot(s) he intends to apply for and ultimately tender for. All pre-qualified companies will be required to bid for all lots and Banedanmark will decide who will be awarded which lots based on the award criteria and how many lots the individual candidates is pre-qualified to tender for.
The pre-qualification evaluation is a 2 step process. The required “Economic and financial ability” stipulated in III.2.2 with the requirement of a guarantee statement is pre-requisite for evaluation of references and therefore step 1 in the pre-qualification process. If the guarantee statement is not received, the application is considered non-conformant and the candidate will not be considered to be pre-qualified.
Step 2 is evaluation of the references. The references will be evaluated solely based on the 3-7 references provided as stated in III.2.3 preferably by using the template provided as a part of the pre-qualification information. Only information provided in the template mentioned above or other reference sheets will be considered. The focus during evaluation will be on relevant projects similar to the Ringsted – Fehmarn Rail Line, Civil Works lots with the following key elements (no prioritization):
— Contract Value;
— Soft Soil Replacement;
— Cut and fill logistics;
— Works adjacent to track in operation and works during track closure periods;
— Rail bridges, Fauna bridges.
After completion of the pre-qualification evaluation process the pre-qualified candidates (the tenderers), will be invited to tender for the projects. Based on the invitation to tender and the tender documents the tenderers will submit a 'First Negotiating Tender' (FNT). The FNT will be the basis for a negotiation process where the focus will be strengths and weaknesses of the FNT. The tenderers then are required to submit a 'Best and Final Offer' (BAFO) (and possibly a revised BAFO as well), based on the FNT and the conclusions from the negotiation process. The BAFO/revised BAFO will be evaluated according to the award criteria outlined in the tender documents. When evaluation of the BAFOs from the tenderers is performed, Banedanmark will evaluate the lots separately. It will be possible for the tenderers to offer a discount if 2 or 3 contracts are awarded by the same tenderer.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-10-24. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-09-25.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2014-09-25 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2016-03-17 Supplerende oplysninger
2016-06-10 Bekendtgørelse med henblik på frivillig forudgående gennemsigtighed
2016-06-30 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter