14/00186 - HPC Facility to CBS at DTU
The Center for Biological Sequence Analysis (CBS) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) was formed in 1993, and conducts basic research in the field of bioinformatics and systems biology. The group of +90 scientists, working in ten specialist research groups, has a highly multi-disciplinary profile with a ratio of 2:1 of bio-to-nonbio backgrounds. CBS represents one of the large bioinformatics groups in academia in Europe.
In the last decade, CBS has produced a large number of computational methods, and is using advanced methods in high performance computing to establish itself as a leader in this space.
The contract concerns the purchase of a High Performance Computing Facility with a High Performance File system with aggregated speed of 50 GBps or more. DTU expects the solution to be delivered in 2 fully equiped pre-fabricated containers/Pods of 500KW each. The containers shall be delivered using liquid cooling to the servers directly in a turnkey solution designed to withstand the physical & environmental conditions at the RISØ facility.DTU expects to pre-qualify 3 – 5 vendors, who are invited to give an offer.
The new supercomputer will serve the Life Science community in Denmark. It will be centered on a 'state of the art' storage system and a supercomputer consisting of different node/memory sizes. The installation must include a fully-fledged back-up and archiving solution. The system should be designed in ways that will accommodate the diverse nature of Life Science applications and the heterogeneous types of data that characterizes the field, using off the shelf components. There will be a great emphasis on the innovative technologies designed to increase research capabilities in life science and reduce time to solution.
The system will need to be deployed as a high availability system adhering to security and system availability requirements that is standard in life science industry.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-02-21.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-01-21.
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