TP45 Bridges and Earthwork


Being the Employer, Banedanmark requires the Contractor to design and build the following permanent works:
The Tender Package TP 45 will be let as a Design / Build contract comprising the following main works:
— Embankments and excavations for The New Line for a section of cca. 750m and a shunt towards a junction with the existing railway Lille Syd. The work includes preparations for 2 no. points on the shunt;
— Sub-ballast and the bottom layer of ballast of crushed stone;
— Drainage of the railway incl. points;
— Foundations for catenary system (optional outside structures);
— Relocation of existing paths and construction of temporary paths;
— Construction of 2 no. cca. 600 m2 rescue areas, and access road to one of these;
— Retaining walls between the New Line and the shunt tracks on both sides of this over a length of approx. 300 m, and as extended wingwalls at crossings where necessary;
— Overpass of the path Ølsemaglevej across The New Line;
— New overpass of the path Ølsemaglevej across M10, Køge Bugt Motorway, utilising the foundation of the existing overpass in the central reserve (the other parts of the existing bridge, will be demolished and removed by other contractor);
— New overpass of the path Ølsemaglevej or reconstruction of the existing road overpassacross the existing dual track S-bane;
— Modifications to existing underpass of path below Ølsemaglevej east of the S-bane;
— New underpass of the shunt track towards Lille Syd railway below The New Line;
— New underpass of the shunt track to Lille Syd railway below the existing dual track S-bane;
— Modifications to the underpass of Lyngstien below Lille Syd railway;
— Demolition and removal of existing overpass of Skolestien across Lille Syd railway;
— New overpass of repositioned Skolestien across Lille Syd railway;
— New underpass of the Lille Syd railway below The New Line;
Attention is to be paid to the crossings above and below the double track S-bane and single track Lille Syd railway both in operation, which could give rise to challenges during construction, e.g. because only limited closures of the S-bane will be possible. Further, attention is to be paid to the fact that within the boundaries of TP 45 Vejdirektoratet (The Danish Road Directorate) in parallel with this contract will construct two railway crossings below the M10, Køge Bugt Motorway, a trapezoid shaped tunnel crossing for the shunt between The New Railway and the Lille Syd railway, and extension of the existing underpass for Lille Syd below the motorway, respectively.
Further information about TP 45:

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-07-19. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-06-07.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2013-06-07 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2014-07-21 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter