TP 30 Bridges and Earthwork


Being the Employer, Banedanmark requires the Contractor to design and build the following permanent civil works.
The tender Package TP 30 will be let as a Design / Build contract comprising the following main works:
- Embankments and excavations for the railway.
- Sub-ballast and lower layer ballast for the railway.
- Drainage of railway embankment including pumping stations and rainwater basins.
- Foundations for catenary system (optional outside structures).
- Railway crossing of Motorring 4, part I (Vallensbækgrenen) St 11+855, (N-BRA-04).
- Railway crossing of Motorring 4, part II (Vallensbækgrenen) St 12+117, (N-BRA-06).
- At the contractor's choice, embankment or structure between the two crossings mentioned above
- Planning and establishment of traffic relocations to full number of lanes, in case of closing of M4 or branches of this for more than 15 minutes during construction corresponding to a reduced speed of 80 km/h, or if a permanent relocation of the M4 is suggested to 110km/h
- Retaining walls as required for the contractor's design to obey the clearance profiles of railway, motorways and other roads.
- Winthersmindevej, relocation to new permanent location, approx. St 12+000 - 12+340
- Winthersmindevej, new underpass of Winthersmindevej St 12+212, (N-BRA-07)
The crossings of the two motorways are foreseen to include long span structures for the railway, maybe in the form of arch, cablestayed or major truss girder bridges. These structures will be an important visible part of the New Railway. They will be the most remarkable structural works that one can experience when travelling by car along the new alignment, and consequently Banedanmark pays special attention to the aesthetics of these structures, and also to the contractors suggested methods of construction, e.g. with regard to the road drivers' safety.
The entire complex shall appear as an easily distinguished and well resolved architectural whole. The individual elements such as the road alignment, the landscape, the approach embankments, the abutments, the main spans of the railway bridges and the design of all the equipment, etc. shall be optimised from a total point of view.
Aesthetics will be included as an important parameter in the evaluation of the contractors' bids, and the tender documents will define a specter of layouts, which will be acceptable to Banedanmark, provided the contractor can document his suggested design to be of adequate high quality and fulfilling the requirements needed to ensure a smooth approval by all relevant authorities.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-05-17. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-04-08.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2013-04-08 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2014-01-30 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter