Navigation sonars, spare parts and services

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization

This framework agreement includes non exclusive purchase of equipment, support and training needed for Navigation sonars.
Today Danish Navy vessels sail as patrol vessels in Greenland territorial waters. Large areas of these ice filled waters are still unsounded and unmapped. For safe navigation in uncharted waters these vessels will be equipped with navigation sonar.
The navigation sonar shall provide reliable sonar image in ‘real time' and data of water depths ahead of vessel down to a depth that is safe for the vessel to pass over.
The sonar shall be based on multi beam technology
An essential feature shall be a sonar picture easy to interpret and which provides clear indication of underwater structures that may present navigational danger to the vessel.
It is an important feature that operators only need to adjust few parameters to optimize sonar performance.
The sonar shall provide an underwater field of view covering at least a sector in front of the vessel.
The sonar shall be mounted in forward part of vessel and forward of, a nearby down looking multibeam survey sonar.
Concurrent operation of navigation sonar and survey sonar should not cause interference for the survey sonar operating at 100 kHz frequency.
The sonar transducer shall be protected from ice floating in seawater and around the hull. This may be accomplished by making transducer retractable using a hoist or some similar system.
Non retractable solution may also be used under the condition that the Supplier can ensure the safety of the wet end part of the sonar.
If setting and retracting function of sonar transducer is chosen as part of the system, then setting and retracting function shall, as a minimum, be executable from the bridge. Any setting and retracting or protection function shall then be part of the delivery.
Transducer status, in/out, shall be indicated at bridge.
Sonar picture and sonar data shall be presented on colour display on the bridge.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-10-17. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-09-13.




Dato Dokument
2013-09-13 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2013-12-20 Supplerende oplysninger