Contract on the delivery, configuration and development of a new RTGS system for Danmarks Nationalbank based on an agile method

Danmarks Nationalbank

Danmarks Nationalbank (DN) is the central bank of Denmark, which is an independent self-governing institution established by law. DN's system for settlement of payments, a Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system, is the hub of the Danish payment system in that all payments between credit institutes and other participants eventually pass through the RTGS system. Thus, DN functions as the credit institutes' bank in the settlement of payments in DKK.
DN's system environment in the central bank area dates back to the 1970's and 80's, making it technologically obsolete. In the light of present day operational demands in relation to both business and technological standards, DN wishes to replace its current RTGS system with a modern, standardised RTGS system which meets the international standards of today and the future.
The contract concerns delivery of a standardised RTGS system, configured and adapted to the requirements and needs of DN. The new RTGS-system has to be integrated with several existing systems, among them external settlement systems. The supplier of the new RTGS system shall ensure an ongoing updating and maintenance to keep the system in accordance with market standards at any given time.
The RTGS supplier does not have to adapt the new RTGS system into an existing IT-framework. This means that the supplier shall set the requirements to the hardware and software which DN needs to have in place in order to make the new RTGS system operate in the best possible way.
The implementation project shall be carried out following an agile development method based on iterations, where the supplier will act as the project manager. Whether or not the supplier has experience of customer-oriented agile projects is not the crucial thing, as long as the supplier's key personnel, if necessary, is ready to complete a joint training programme together with DN's key personnel in management and implementation of a customer-oriented project based on the agile method chosen by the supplier. If deemed expedient, this training programme could be led by an external consultant.
DN will contribute to the project in close co-operation with the supplier, which includes a large degree of involvement by DN's commercial and IT-technical staff.
The delivery will consist of two implementations. First an RTGS-system in a basic version and later a Target2-Securities (T2S) compliant version where the basic version will be supplemented with functionalities relating to the T2S. The implementation of the basic RTGS-version is planned for the period 2014 to 2017, with an implementation no later than the end of the first quarter 2017. DN expects to implement DKK (Danish Kroner) in T2S during the second half of 2018. Thus, the T2S compliant version of the RTGS-system should be implemented no later than June 2018.
DN's project is planned to be of rather long duration, partly because there will be an implementation of a new Collateral Management System (CMS) at the same time as implementation of the new RTGS-system. The CMS supplier has not been se-lected yet.
DN uses an external supplier to operate the current RTGS system and will continue to do so as regards the new system.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-03-06. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-01-28.




Dato Dokument
2013-01-28 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2013-02-15 Supplerende oplysninger
2013-04-05 Supplerende oplysninger