TP 41 Ishoej-Greve, bridges


This design and build contract comprise construction and roads at these locations:
— Location Ishøoe Stationsvej (Ishoej Stationsvej, Ishoej Bygade, Baldersbaek),
— Location Pilemoellevej (Ishoejstien/Ny Pilemoellevej),
— Location Vejleaa (Vejleaa + nature path),
— Location Kappelevvej (Kappelevvej, Tunnel Flaskegaarden incl. access roads to Flaskegaarden),
— Location Kildebroendevej (Kildebroendevej, roundabout and access roads, behind Kirken + Kildebroendebaek),
— Location Greve Centervej (Olsbæk + nature path, Greve Centervej + local roads around Greve Centervej, local roads at Greve Centervej).
Only the necessary/possible drainage and soil works for the constructions and local roads is included.
The contract includes above mentioned construction works and is tenedered as design and build contract with negotiated procedure. The overall procedure for the negotiation will be stated in the tender documents.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-06-25. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-05-16.




Dato Dokument
2012-05-16 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2013-02-18 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter