Purchase of high performance computing cluster to wind energy department
The contract concerns the purchase of a high performance computing cluster for DTU Wind Energy Department, with a total amount of 9 million DKK.
DTU expects to pre-qualify 3 – 5 vendors, who are invited to give an offer.
This system is to be built as a Beowulf Cluster, which basically means “commodity hardware deploying Linux OS and open source software.”.
— The operating system for the cluster will be CentOS Linux,
— OSCAR (Open Source Cluster Application Resources) or a similar solution will be used for distribution of cluster software. (see
http://www.csm.ornl.gov/oscar/ and
— All servers in this cluster will have Lustre client software for access to the home file system residing on the Lustre File Server,
— Parallel computations are expected to be mainly conducted using Message Passing Interface (MPI) protocol and utilize the OpenMPI software package in particular,
— Compilers used: GNU, Intel Fortran and C, and PathScale,
— TORQUE and MAUI will be used for queue management and scheduling.
The cluster should have non-blocking Infiniband network for compute node interconnect and Ethernet for management purposes.
It is mandatory that test servers are provided for benchmark test (1 server qualitatively representing the setup of the tendered solution).
The benchmark will be based on locally developed applications for windturbine calculations:
— EllipSys 3D (Fortran based, MPI parallelized, multiblock incompressible CFD flow solver),
— HAWC II (multibody aeroelastic).
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-01-08.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-12-05.
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