Nationwide contract concerning track measurements of ultrasound and eddy current for Rail Net Denmark with a measuring train. The measuring train available for the job shall be be fuel drawn, self-propelled and capable of conducting track measurement of ultrasound and eddy current simultaneously with a speed between 20-60 km/h. Furthermore the contract concerns data management in terms of data production and processing for debugging and maintenance


The contract concerns track measurements of ultrasound and eddy current for the use of debugging and maintenance. The number of measuring campaigns is expected to be one campaign pr year of approximately 10 – 15 working days in total. The first annual campaign shall be executed in March - April 2014. As a part of the work the supplier must be able to process the collected data from the measuring campaign and provide these electronically for import into Rail Net Denmark's data management system – IRISsys.
Prior to the 1. annually campaigns, the supplier must conduct one test campaigns, scheduled for execution in the period from 1 April – end of august 2013 in which the supplier's measurement train and staff shall be available. Rail Net Denmark and the supplier shall after the contract award together fix the period of time for execution of the test campaign.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-01-14. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-12-13.




Dato Dokument
2012-12-13 Udbudsbekendtgørelse