Real-time passenger information and infotainment system for public transport
The contract is the first step of a regional system for real-time traffic information and infotainment for public transport. The contract includes the central system and a pilot of 23 buses.
The contract will include design, production, delivery, installation, test and commissioning, followed by service and maintenance of the following functions:
— Central database and server system:
1. Communication with the vehicles (with supplied equipment or equipment from other suppliers);
2. Communication with external servers for real-time information in the national journey planner (Rejseplanen) and optionally traffic signal priority and dynamic bus allocation;
3. Import, export and storage of bus timetables and block data;
4. Dispatcher functions for presentation and edition of bus short time timetable adjustments, vehicle allocation and block data;
5. Retrieval of real-time information from vehicles;
6. Calculation of prognosis for vehicles (buses and trains) arrival to and departure from random future stop points;
7. System configuration;
8. Inventory and maintenance database for stationary and mobile equipment;
9. User, driver and vehicle management;
10. Event logging, reporting and statistics.
— Content management system (CMS) for administration and distribution of information (news, travel information, real-time information etc.) to vehicles and stationary boards. Traffic information and infotainment shall vary depending on line, location, time and other parameters. The CMS shall be able to cooperate with train operators existing CMS systems and to manage information for other vendors mobile equipment,
— Equipment and software for installation in 23 vehicles including:
1. Wireless internet access for passengers;
2. Information monitors capable of displaying news, travel and real-time information etc.;
3. Real-time positioning and mapping of positions to route;
4. Vocal and graphical announcement of next stop;
5. Successive presentation of estimated time of arrival (ETA) for selected destinations;
6. Function for login, selection of line/route/block, monitoring of positioning and next stop and interchange coordination;
7. Open interface to national travel card system (Rejsekort) for potential sharing of driver's console, positioning and communication;
8. Communication with the central system.
— Design and implementation of user-friendly webbased man-machine interfaces for the above mentioned systems,
— Operation and maintenance.
All communication with vehicles and external parties shall follow CEN standards and VDV specifications, unless otherwise is carefully reasoned.
All supplied hardware shall be approved in accordance with the European CE regulations.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2011-12-05.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-11-18.
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