Delivery, establishment, operation and maintenance of a new Bike Sharing System
DSB is expecting to purchase a bike-sharing system to be established initially in the cities of Frederiksberg and Copenhagen. Subsequently, there may be the possibility of expanding the system to include the rest of Denmark. The bike-sharing system targets the commuters primarily, however, the system must also be available to both the citizens and the tourists of the cities. DSB has prepared the tender in cooperation with the cities of Frederiksberg and Copenhagen and the Copenhagen Metro Company. The contract will be tendered as a framework agreement, so the bike-sharing system can be expanded to include the remaining cities in Denmark under the framework of the contract. DSB wishes to contract one key supplier, responsible for the delivery, establishment, operation and maintenance of the system. However, DSB accepts a main contract holder with a given number of subcontractors, for which the main contract holder is fully responsible with regard to DSB. DSB expects to hold the turnkey position regarding the users of the bike-sharing systems, when it comes to selling the individual service, the marketing of the system and customer loyalty care. Please note that the supplier will not have the opportunity to gain part in any advertising profits. The bike-sharing system is expected to be fully operational by 1.5.2013.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-01-03.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-11-28.
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