Leverandør: SIA S.p.A.

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Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren SIA S.p.A. er nævnt

2013-04-05   Contract on the delivery, configuration and development of a new RTGS system for Danmarks Nationalbank based on an... (Danmarks Nationalbank)
Danmarks Nationalbank (DN) is the central bank of Denmark, which is an independent self-governing institution established by law. DN's system for settlement of payments, a Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system, is the hub of the Danish payment system in that all payments between credit institutes and other participants eventually pass through the RTGS system. Thus, DN functions as the credit institutes' bank in the settlement of payments in DKK. DN's system environment in the central bank area dates … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: SIA S.p.A.