Leverandør: Rapiscan Systems

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Rapiscan Systems har historisk set været en leverandør af transportudstyr og transporthjælpemidler, diverse transportudstyr og reservedele og lufthavnsudstyr.

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Rapiscan Systems er nævnt

2018-01-05   HBS Standard 3 Upgrade — Hold Baggage Screening System (HBSS) (Copenhagen Airports A/S)
The HBSS supplier is required to provide ECAC Standard 3 EDS Machines and associated infrastructure as is required for the Project.The BHS Portion of the works will be supplied by others. The EDS machines shall be installed in 3 locations: — 4 machines in baggage factory 2, — 3 machines in the terminal 3 Basement, — 2 machines in the baggage factory 3. In addition, the HBSS contractor shall provision: — 20 HBS level 2 operator workstations, — 4 HBS level 3 workstations, — 6 training workstations, — 2 TIP … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Rapiscan Systems