Leverandør: Particip GmbH in joint venture with Integrity Research and Consultancy Ltd and Axiom Monitoring and Evaluation Ltd

Et arkiveret indkøb

Particip GmbH in joint venture with Integrity Research and Consultancy Ltd and Axiom Monitoring and Evaluation Ltd har historisk set været en leverandør af offentlig administration, forsvar og socialsikring, tjenester for lokalsamfundet og tjenester vedrørende udenrigsanliggender og lignende.

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Particip GmbH in joint venture with Integrity Research and Consultancy Ltd and Axiom Monitoring and Evaluation Ltd er nævnt

2015-10-29   Third Party Monitoring and External M&E Support for Somalia Country Programme (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
To assist in monitoring the progress of its Somalia country programme (SCP) and derive lessons to inform improved collaboration and cooperation, the Danish Embassy plans to implement comprehensive and complementary external monitoring, evaluation and learning activities over the 3-year engagement. This contract is for the services of a consulting company or organisation to assist with this. The main objective of the assignment is to help ensure that the Denmark — Somalia Country Programme (2015-2018) … Se udbuddet »
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