2019-04-03High Speed Kamerasystem (Forsvarsministeriet, Materiel- og Indkøbstyrelsen)
Leverancen består af levering af et kamerasystem bestående af 3 High Speed kameraer med tilbehør (lamper, linser, stativer, batterier, oplader, kabler, tasker, klimaskærm, softwareprogrammer osv.), til brug for forsvarets videodokumentation og analyse af en bred vifte af tests foretaget af Danske Artilleriregiment, Sikkerhed og Ballistik. Testene vil omfatte forskellige former for materiale, både militære (f.eks. våben, ammunition, våben ”mounts”, udstyr til ballistisk beskyttelse mv.), men også mere …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Military Equipment Denmark A/S
2018-04-26Acquisition of Tactical Power Ascenders, in two lots (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This tender procedure concerns 2 lots regarding the acquisition of 2 types Tactical Power Ascenders.
Contract lot 1: The Danish Defence has a need for electrical tactical power ascender 150 kg (TPA150). The TPA150 are intended for usage at sea and in urban environments, and will primarily be used for entering high vertical structures and vessels at sea. The intention of this acquisition is to acquire operational, ready, and robust equipment, which will function in the harsh conditions of a combat …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Military Equipment Denmark A/S