Leverandør: LiveLink Aerospace

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LiveLink Aerospace har historisk set været en leverandør af transportudstyr og transporthjælpemidler, diverse transportudstyr og reservedele og maritimt udstyr.

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren LiveLink Aerospace er nævnt

2022-09-30   Radar analysis for offshore windfarms (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
The overall purpose of the analysis is to investigate the extent of the impact that these offshore wind farms will have on the Defence’s radar, and the resulting consequences for the Defence’s ability to carry out assigned authority tasks. Based on the analysis results, the Defence determines the need for any necessary mitigation measures as well as an associated cost estimate, which can then be incorporated into the Danish Energy Agency’s tender materials for the Energy Island project and the ‘Mere … Se udbuddet »
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