2016-01-29   Framework agreement on vessels for emergency repairs and planned maintenance on submarine power cables and gas... (Energinet.dk)
Through the establishment of framework agreements with a contract period of 4 years, the Contracting authority wants to charter vessels for emergency repairs on submarine power cables and gas pipelines. In addition, the Contracting authority wants to charter vessels for planned maintenance projects on submarine power cables and gas pipelines as well as power cable laying and protection. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: JD Contractor Tiefbau GmbH Unterweser
2015-04-16   JFK and Storstrømmen — Offshore — Protection and Removal (Energinet.dk)
Description of the projects: 1. JFK: In 2017 two existing 150 kV submarine cable connections has reached the end of their lifetime and need to be decommissioned. The cable connections are from Als to Funen and across Kolding Fjord. In addition two new 150 kV submarine cable connection, one between Fredericia and Funen and one between Als and Funen will reinforce the grid on Funen. 2. Storstrømmen: Energinet.dk owns and operates 3 submarine cable systems in the strait that will have to be decommissioned … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: JD Contractor