Leverandør: Brit

2 arkiverede indkøb

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Brit er nævnt

2019-02-18   Danish Rail (DSB) Cyber Insurance (Marsh A/S)
Cyber tender for Danish Rail (DSB). The tender consist of Primary layer 100 mill. DKK (Lot 1), 1st excess 100 xs 100 mill. DKK (Lot 2), 2nd excess 100 mill. xs 200 mill. DKK (Lot 3), 3rd excess 100 mill. xs 300 million DKK (Lot 4), 4th excess 100 mill. xs 400 mill. DKK (Lot 4). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AIG Brit If skadeforsikring Markel Insurance SE QBE Danmark, filial af QBE Europe SA/NV, Belgien Tokio Marine Kiln