2022-03-07   Beregning af afledte hydrologiske højdemodeller (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering)
SDFE skal have beregnet hydrologiske højdemodeller. Tidligere var dette en et årig kontrakt, nu forsøges den som fleråring. De tekniske krav er specificeret i kontraktparadigmets bilag 1-3. Den udbudte kontrakt er ikke opdelt i delkontrakter, jf. udbudslovens § 49, stk. 2, da opgaven er at lave et samlet datagrundlag for hele Danmark, samt at hvis kontrakten blev splittet op ville initial omkostningerne gøre at prisen ville blive uforholdsmæssigt høj. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: SCALGO Development ApS
2014-03-28   Zambezi Water Resources Information System (ZAMWIS) Enhancement 2: Spatial Database and Platform (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM), through its Secretariat, has applied for financing from the Danish International Development Assistance (Danida) to support the development of Component 2 of the enhancement and operationalization of ZAMWIS, and invites expression of interest to provide consulting services (“the Services”) for supporting the modernization of the Zambezi Water Information System (ZAMWIS) to meet the needs of the Zambezi Riparian States. ZAMWIS is a tool for sharing and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: DHI DK
2013-09-20   Zambezi Water Resources Information System (ZAMWIS) Enhancement 2: Spatial Database and Platform (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM), through its Secretariat, has applied for financing from the Danish International Development Assistance (Danida) to support the development of Component 2 of the enhancement and operationalization of ZAMWIS, and invites expression of interest to provide consulting services (“the Services”) for supporting the modernization of the Zambezi Water Information System (ZAMWIS) to meet the needs of the Zambezi Riparian States. ZAMWIS is a tool for sharing and … Se udbuddet »