2015-02-12   Automated storages for sterile goods in mini load solutions for two Central Sterile Services Departments (CSSD's) at... (Capital Region of Denmark, Department of Financial affairs, Corporate Procurement)
The Capital Region of Denmark plans to establish 2 Central Sterile Services Departments (CSSD's) at Rigshospitalet and Herlev Hospital for reprocessing of all instruments used for surgical procedures at the regions hospitals. At each of the 2 CSSD's there will be built 1 automated storage for sterile goods (mini load solutions ). This procurement procedure covers delivery, installation, test and commissioning of the automated storages. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Gibotech A/S
2012-10-03   Udbud af servercontainer (Forsvarsministeriet v/Forsvarets Koncernfælles Informatiktjeneste)
Ved nærværende udbud ønsker Forsvarets Koncernfælles Informatiktjeneste (herefter FKIT) at indhente tilbud på servercontainer. FKIT har behov for en løsning, der lokalt sikrer redundans af serverkapacitet på datacentrene. Til dette formål er en container baseret løsning vurderet som det mest hensigtsmæssige. Løsningen skal samlet have en kapacitet på minimum 368 u, og den skal indeholde køleanlæg og UPS med kapacitet til at dække behovet i den enkelte container. Se udbuddet »
2012-07-09   Supply of individual container systems (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste, FMT)
Through purchase under framework agreements Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase the most economically advantageous container systems for the Danish Defence. The container systems will be used worldwide in international operations as well as training exercises (mobile, semi mobile and stationary). The operational systems can be deployed all over the world, which means different and harsh climatic conditions. Requirements to the physical aspect, construction … Se udbuddet »
2012-01-26   Supply of individual container systems (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste, FMT)
Through purchase under a framework agreement Danish Defence Acquisition and. Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase the most economically advantageous container systems for the Danish Defence. The container systems will be used worldwide in international operations as well as training exercises (mobile, semi mobile and stationary). The operational systems can be deployed all over the world, which means different and harsh climatic conditions. Requirements to the physical aspect, … Se udbuddet »