Indkøb: Dele til luft- eller vakuumpumper, luft- eller gaskompressorer

5 arkiverede indkøb

Dele til luft- eller vakuumpumper, luft- eller gaskompressorer er blevet indkøbt af organisationer som f.eks Energinet, DSB og Energinet Gas TSO A/S.
Historisk set har leverandørerne inden for dette område været Emerson Automation Solutions, HSM Industri A/S og Vicotec Kirkebjerg.

De seneste indkøb af dele til luft- eller vakuumpumper, luft- eller gaskompressorer i Danmark

2023-03-07   Framework Agreement for gas compressor packages (Energinet)
The Framework Agreement covers installation of a number of reverse-flow plants with compressors for moving upgraded biogas from the distribution grid into the 80 barg natural gas transmission grid in Denmark. The compressor packages will have different requirements to capacity range as well as pressure range. Basically, the units shall cover the capacity range from 5.000 Nm3/hr., to 15.000 Nm3/hr., with a min. inlet pressure of either 12, 23 or 35 barg and an approximate max. outlet pressure of either 60 … Se udbuddet »
2023-01-27   Framework Agreement for gas compressor packages (Energinet)
The Framework Agreement covers installation of a number of reverse-flow plants with com-pressors for moving upgraded biogas from the distribution grid into the 80 barg natural gas transmission grid in Denmark. The compressor packages will have different requirements to capacity range as well as pres-sure range. Basically, the units shall cover the capacity range from 5.000 Nm3/hr to 15.000 Nm3/hr, with a min. inlet pressure of either 12, 23 or 35 barg and an approximate max. outlet pressure of either 60 … Se udbuddet »
2020-07-03   Udbuddet omfatter rammeaftale om levering af forsyningsstandere til DSB’s klargøringsanlæg (DSB)
Udbuddet omfatter rammeaftale om levering af forsyningsstandere til DSB’s klargøringsanlæg. Forsyningsstandere skal leveres som bygherreleverancer i forbindelse med ombygning af eksisterende og etablering af nye klargøringsanlæg. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: HSM Industri A/S
2019-10-16   Fiscal Gas Metering and Analysis System (Energinet Gas TSO A/S)
Tender for a fiscal gas metering and analysis system as a complete system that will be fully compliant with NORSOK standard l-106 2014. A complete fiscal gas metering and analysis system is scope of the tendered assignment. The system must be fully equipped with analyzer instruments for determination and reporting of gas quality parameters. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Emerson Automation Solutions
2015-12-18   DNV-Gødstrup. E1,2,3-DP11-E02 Trykluft, vacuum, medicinske gasser og ilt. Rammeudbud (Region Midtjylland, Hospitalsenheden Vest, DNV-Gødstrup)
I forbindelse med opførelsen af DNV-Gødstrup udbydes arbejder i forbindelse med specialinstallationer i en række selvstændige udbud. Prækvalifikation og udbud forventes at ske i perioden 4. kv. 2015 til 3. kv. 2016. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Vicotec Kirkebjerg