2022-05-11   Public tender regarding the delivery, installation and commissioning of two (2) dual-pol C-band radars to the Danish... (Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI))
This tender procedure concerns the award of a contract on the delivery, installation and commissioning of two (2) dual-pol C-band radars including a radome for each radar, and options of two (2) extra transmitters for the Danish weather radar network and set out the formal rules of the tender procedure. The acquisition furthermore includes an obligation to deliver spare parts and services, both on site services and a service hotline on a hourly basis. The opportunity of buying spare parts and services is … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Atcom Vaisala Oyj
2022-03-22   Public tender regarding delivery, installation and commissioning of two (2) dual-pol C-band radars to the Danish... (Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI))
This tender procedure concerns the award of a contract on the delivery, installation and commissioning of two (2) dual-pol C-band radars including a radome for each radar, cf. Appendix 12, section 4, and two (2) extra magnetrons for the Danish weather radar network and set out the formal rules of the tender procedure. The acquisition furthermore includes an obligation to deliver spare parts and services, both on site services and a service hotline on a hourly basis. The opportunity of buying spare parts … Se udbuddet »
2019-05-16   Framework Agreement: Delivery of Data Loggers and MIPS Software Including Related Services (Danmarks Meterologiske Institut)
This call for tenders concerns the procurement for the purchase of data loggers and MIPS software including related services. The scope of this tender is to procure a Framework Agreement, which enables the DMI to purchase data loggers, MIPS software and related services over a 4-year period, to support the DMI strategic objective of modernizing parts of the network of automated meteorological observation stations. The data loggers will be installed in meteorological observation stations in Denmark and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Scanmatic AS
2016-12-16   Meteorology Systems (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Delivery of Meteorology Systems to be used aboard at least five ships of The Royal Danish Navy and training of Navy personel. Tender is handled by Mercell Sourcing Services, use http://permalink.mercell.com/63188647.aspx Se udbuddet »
2016-11-07   Meteorology Systems for The Royal Danish Navy (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Delivery of Meteorology Systems to be used aboard at least five ships of The Royal Danish Navy and training of Navy personnel. The Meteorology System shall at least consist of the following units: 2 combined wind speed and wind direction sensors, 1 air pressure sensor, 1 combined air humidity and air temperature sensor, 1 ceilometer, two wind speed and wind direction displays, one meteorology display (displaying QNH, QFE, dew point, air humidity and air pressure), 1 cloud height display and 1 combined … Se udbuddet »
2016-01-25   Rammeaftale om leverance af Meteorologiske Balloner (Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut)
Den udbudte rammeaftale omfatter leverance af meteorologiske balloner til Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI). Ballonerne skal leveres i 4 forskellige størrelser og vil blive anvendt til opsendelse af radiosonder fra både land- og skibsbaserede radiosondestationer i Grønland og på Færøerne, med omliggende farvande og luftrum. De meteorologiske balloner skal være velegnede til anvendelse i det arktiske klima, hvor de vil blive opsendt og de skal kunne anvendes med såvel brint som helium (ballongas) som … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Aage Christensen A/S
2011-03-17   Udbud af rammeaftaler for levering af glatføremålestationer til Vejdirektoratet og 32 kommuner (Vejdirektoratet)
Rammeaftalerne giver leverandørerne mulighed for i rammeaftaleperioden at afgive pristilbud via miniudbud på Vejdirektoratets og de 32 kommuners behov for at få leveret glatføremålestationer og udstyr. Hvert forår vil Vejdirektoratet indhente tilbud via miniudbud på det aktuelt forventede behov for at få leveret glatføremålestationer og udstyr fra rammeaftalens leverandører ved udsendelse af et pristilbudsgrundlag. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Brdr. jørgensen Instruments A/S Deltafix ApS OG Maskiner A/S
2011-01-18   Udbud af rammeaftaler for levering af glatføremålestationer til Vejdirektoratet og 32 kommuner (Vejdirektoratet)
Rammeaftalerne giver leverandørerne mulighed for i rammeaftaleperioden at afgive pristilbud via miniudbud på Vejdirektoratets og de 32 kommuners behov for at få leveret glatføremålestationer og udstyr. Hvert forår vil Vejdirektoratet indhente tilbud via miniudbud på det aktuelt forventede behov for at få leveret glatføremålestationer og udstyr fra rammeaftalens leverandører ved udsendelse af et pristilbudsgrundlag. Se udbuddet »