2022-05-11   Public tender regarding the delivery, installation and commissioning of two (2) dual-pol C-band radars to the Danish... (Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI))
This tender procedure concerns the award of a contract on the delivery, installation and commissioning of two (2) dual-pol C-band radars including a radome for each radar, and options of two (2) extra transmitters for the Danish weather radar network and set out the formal rules of the tender procedure. The acquisition furthermore includes an obligation to deliver spare parts and services, both on site services and a service hotline on a hourly basis. The opportunity of buying spare parts and services is … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Atcom Vaisala Oyj
2022-03-22   Public tender regarding delivery, installation and commissioning of two (2) dual-pol C-band radars to the Danish... (Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI))
This tender procedure concerns the award of a contract on the delivery, installation and commissioning of two (2) dual-pol C-band radars including a radome for each radar, cf. Appendix 12, section 4, and two (2) extra magnetrons for the Danish weather radar network and set out the formal rules of the tender procedure. The acquisition furthermore includes an obligation to deliver spare parts and services, both on site services and a service hotline on a hourly basis. The opportunity of buying spare parts … Se udbuddet »
2019-07-10   Väderstationer till Øresundsbron (Øresundsbro Konsortiet)
Öresundsbron avser byta ut befintliga väderstationer för övervakning av väder ute på anläggning för upprätthållande av säkerhet. Nuvarande antal 5 st. Kortfattad beskrivning av omfattningen Leverans och driftsättning av fem stycken väderstationer för inhämtning av aktuell väderinformation i realtid till Øresundsbrons trafikövervakning. Funktionalitet enligt specifikation i del 3. Köparen ansvarar för montage. Vad som efterfrågas Köparen efterfrågar ett partnerskap för att lösa Köparens behov inom det … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Scanmatic Enviromental Technology AB
2017-04-05   Udbud af glatførevarslingssystem (A/S Storebælt)
Ordregiver genudbyder hermed et glatførevarslingssystem uden mulighed for at afgive alternative eller sideordnede tilbud. Under punkt II.2.4) findes en nærmere beskrivelse af den ønskede vare ligesom udbudsmaterialet endvidere indeholder en mere detaljeret beskrivelse af opgaven. Se udbuddet »
2016-12-16   Meteorology Systems (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Delivery of Meteorology Systems to be used aboard at least five ships of The Royal Danish Navy and training of Navy personel. Tender is handled by Mercell Sourcing Services, use http://permalink.mercell.com/63188647.aspx Se udbuddet »
2016-12-06   Udbud af glatførevarslingssystem (A/S Storebælt)
Ordregiver udbyder hermed et glatførevarslingssystem med mulighed for at afgive sideordnede tilbud, jf. udbudslovens § 53. Under punkt II.2.4) findes en nærmere beskrivelse af den ønskede vare ligesom udbudsmaterialet endvidere indeholder en mere detaljeret beskrivelse af opgaven. Se udbuddet »
2016-11-07   Meteorology Systems for The Royal Danish Navy (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Delivery of Meteorology Systems to be used aboard at least five ships of The Royal Danish Navy and training of Navy personnel. The Meteorology System shall at least consist of the following units: 2 combined wind speed and wind direction sensors, 1 air pressure sensor, 1 combined air humidity and air temperature sensor, 1 ceilometer, two wind speed and wind direction displays, one meteorology display (displaying QNH, QFE, dew point, air humidity and air pressure), 1 cloud height display and 1 combined … Se udbuddet »