2018-06-13   Acquisition of Non-magnetic Dry Suits to the Danish Defence (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This tender concerns the acquisitions of nonmagnetic dry suits and parts associated with deepdiving for the Danish Defence. The primary user are the Danish EOD/MCM divers, but the suits will be used in the entire Royal Danish Navy (RDN) and Special Forces in all climate zones for a variety of tasks. The suits will be used for diving to a depth of maximum 100 meters, as well as the diver’s primary suit when working in or around the Danish Defence’s RHIB’s, when operating from larger ships and for a … Se udbuddet »
2015-06-04   Combat swimmer dry suit (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
The tender is for maritime combat swimmer dry suit for the Danish Navy. The suits will be used in the entire Royal Danish Navy (RDN) in all climate zones for a variety of tasks. The suit will be used for diving to a depth of a maximum of 15 meters, for boarding operations and for tactical surface swimming, and should be designed to withstand all of these tasks. The suit shall be breathable when used out of the Water and completely waterproof, when used as a diving suit. It is important that the suit has … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Precision Technic Defence A/S