2022-04-11   Supply of Train Driver Seat and (optional) Supply Overhaul and (optional) Maintenance Services and Spare Parts to... (DSB Vedligehold A/S)
DSB is tendering train driver seats and supply of overhaul and maintenance service and spare parts for DSB’s train fleet. Two litra (train type) S-Tog and ER have been specified for new train driver seats and other two litra IC3 and IC4 are specified for overhaul services. Overhaul services, maintenance services and supply of spare parts are all optional within this tender and can upon acceptance and agreement be added to an Agreement. Se udbuddet »
2022-01-14   Supply of Train Driver Seat, Overhaul Services (optional) and Supply of Spare Parts to DSB S-Tog and ER Train Fleet (DSB)
DSB is tendering train driver seats for two of DSB's train types (litra). Supply of Train Driver Seats, Overhaul Services (optional) and Supply of Spare Parts to DSB S-Tog and ER Train Fleet. The maintenance service of the driver seats is, however, optional and can be added to the Agreement. Se udbuddet »