Indkøb: Opmudringsfartøjer

2 arkiverede indkøb

Opmudringsfartøjer er blevet indkøbt af organisationer som f.eks CPH City and Port I/S (By and Havn) og Femern A/S.
Historisk set har leverandørerne inden for dette område været Fehmarn Belt Contractors TDR og Per Aarsleff A/S.

De seneste indkøb af opmudringsfartøjer i Danmark

2021-07-07   CPH City and Port I/S (By and Havn) — Public Procurement Procedure Concerning Marine Archaeological... (CPH City and Port I/S (By and Havn))
CPH City and Port (By and Havn) has initiated this tender procedure concerning marine archaeological pre-investigations on Lynetteholm (lease of equipment with crew). More specifically, the tender procedure concerns a contract for the lease of sea-going equipment with crew and delivery of services in the form of excavation of subsea sediments in the Port of Copenhagen between Nordhavnen and Refshaleøen. The seabed material will undergo marine archaeological investigations carried out by archeologists … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Per Aarsleff A/S
2012-10-02   Fehmarnbelt fixed link project: tunnel dredging and reclamation contract (Femern A/S)
The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link Project ("Project") is the final stage in the realisation of a straight traffic. Corridor between Scandinavia and continental Europe. This is intended to be an immersed tunnel containing two dual carriageways and a twin-track railway subject to plan approvals. It will traverse the 19km distance across the Fehmarnbelt between Lolland in Denmark and Puttgarden in northern Germany. The immersed tunnel elements will be manufactured at a pre-designated site at Rødbyhavn on Lolland … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fehmarn Belt Contractors TDR