2018-04-26   Syddansk Universitet - OU46 DIAS- Fagentrepriser (Bygningsstyrelsen)
Bekendtgørelse vedrørende udbud af bygge- og anlægsarbejder i storentrepriser, på Syddansk Universitet - OU46 DIAS. Bygge- og anlægsarbejdet omfatter ligeledes 2 storentrepriser, hhv. råhus og betonleverancer samt indvendig komplettering, malerarbejde og bygningsrengøring, der udbydes særskilt. Derudover er smedeentreprise, BMS og auditorieinventar udskilt efter udbudslovens § 8, stk. 2. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Bravida Danmark A/S Hauge Installation A/S Lindpro A/S Persolit Entreprenørfirma A/S
2016-05-10   Framework agreements regarding acquisition of ammunition (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
As part of DALOs business development of the ammunition area, DALO has started focusing on the various ammunition types that are consumed by the Danish Defence. This has enabled DALO to structure the ammunition consumption and spending into several categories, of which 4 of the main categories are now tendered for in 4 different categories/lots (hereinafter referred to as Category Contracts). Thus, each Category Contract regards a separate lot. A Categories Contract constitutes a group of ammunition … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Expal Systems S.A. Mecar S.A.
2012-10-17   Acquisition of Tail Fuzes integrable with F16 for MK 80 series bombs (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The Danish Defence and Logistics Organization (DALO) seeks to procure tail fuzes for MK 80 series bombs. The fuzes shall be integrable with the Danish F16 combat aircraft and shall be ready for mounting without pre-assembly. Furthermore, the fuzes shall be packed with ancillary fuze equipment necessary for mounting the fuze, and the delivery shall also include test sets for I-bit test. The fuzes shall have a reliability of 96 % (with a confidence level of 90 %) and shall be able to tolerate at least … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Advanced Systems Ltd.