De seneste indkøb foretaget af Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen
2012-11-22Digital aerial photography and orthophotoproduction, Denmark 2013 (Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen)
The purpose of the tendered service is to create the necessary snow and leaffree aerial photo and orthophoto basis in digital form for updating the common dataset FOT in GeoMidt and HRKS.
Each sub-agreement consist of the following production type:
— Digital aerial photography and orthophoto production in 10 cm resolution, covering municipalities (10komm).
Areas and number of polygons of the contracts are:
Geomidt-year 2013:
GSD 10cm: Number of 10cm, 1km tiles= 7788 …
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2011-11-11Digital aerial photography and orthophotoproduction, Denmark 2012 (Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen)
The purpose of the tendered service is to create the necessary snow and leaffree aerial photo and orthophoto basis in digital form for updating the common dataset FOT in Geosjælland and Geonord.
Each sub-agreement consist of one or more of the following production types:
— Digital aerial photography and orthophoto production in 20 cm resolution, covering municipalities (20komm).
— Digital aerial photography and orthophoto production in 10 cm resolution, covering municipalities (10komm).
— Digital aerial …
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2011-02-11Digital orthophoto production 2011 (Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen)
The purpose of the tendered service is to create and deliver summer orthophoto in digital form. The ordering authority requires a seamless delivery of digital orthophotos as decribed in the tender material, covering all Denmark, including near-shore areas, appr. 53 000 km2. Furthermore establishing a Web Map Service (WMS).
The tendered service is for the following Danish organization:
— The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri).
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